@SenMikeLee is doing one of his famous phone Town Halls right now, where you get no notice but if you're on the list, they call and say this is happening right NOW, stay on the line. Many of us have suspected the staff screens the calls and only allows in friendly questions.
So I am testing that theory.
I actually got in to the queue to ask a question, rather fast. The staff asked what the question is "in case we get disconnected". 🙄
Since I want to ask about the For the People Act, if I don't get to ask it, I'd say that's proof. We shall see.
I told them I'll ask which part of the For the People Act he dislikes, given we have successful & broad voting in Utah. And if his issue is voter ID, would he support a national voter ID card being given for free to all?
There we go, he's done, and not a single question that would make @SenMikeLee answer about anything he disagrees with. All the questions supported his own agenda. They were mostly about inflation, and wanting to reduce how much federal land we have. #utpol
So I guess next time, I need to lie about my question and see if they let me in so I can get a real issue addressed. @SenMikeLee can't handle anything besides softball questions and his staff makes sure he's coddled.
In 2020 this average was going DOWN to a dip before we climbed the "School's-in Mountain".
This year we are already heading rather sharply up, and school will start soon. Will we have a small dip before the 2021 mountain?