1./ Who could have seen this coming? A middle aged woke influencer with a huge profile on a video game platform is arrested on child rape charges only a month after the game made a hullabaloo about LGBTQ+ Pride. Has inclusive got a bit too inclusive?👇nypost.com/2021/07/29/pop…
2./ Police in Brazil claim Raulzito used his instagram account to lure boys whom he promised fame and fortune. He streams for the game Frontline who last month announced a fetching series of LGBTQ+ characters and emblems with a nice child-friendly feel. 👇epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US…
3./ Raulzito may be innocent in which case no one will ask questions of the owner of Frontline, Epic Games, which only has a turnover of $27Bn so couldn't possibly be expected to ensure child safeguarding instead of sucking up to the rainbow-haired.👇 theverge.com/2021/5/3/22417…
4./ The thing that would be hilarious if it actually wasn't is that many of the other companies Raulzito is linked to are also drunk on gender identity koolaid. Here's his instagram (..ouch..) image with a unicorn in the trans colours for Havaianas, the flip flop company.
5./ That'll be the same company that last year got into the LGBTQ+ Pride swing of things and announced it would go gender free. How very rainbow radical. In that Instagram page with Raulzito ☝️there's also a link to Twitch, a live video streaming service. theindustry.fashion/havaianas-rele…
6./ That'll be the same streaming service that last year for Pride suggested the G in LGBTQ+ meant Gamer. Even the gender obsessives at Pink News thought that was a step too far in the erasure of homosexuality and an example of corporate vampirism. For once they were right.
7./ A day after the arre$t you can still see Raulzito on Twitch.👇The$e companie$ had all better hope Raulzito is innocent otherwise his will become an emblematic tale of corporate greed uncritically virtue signalling while failing to do the ethical basics: child safeguarding.
8./ As for gays, if we embrace 'queer' as an identity we'll find ourselves with distinctly dodgy allies. 'Queer' increasingly means anyone who wants to challenge social norms. But Raulzito reminds us some norms exist for a good reason and need to be defended not challenged.
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1./ If anyone should know Sex Matters it should be @LSHTM. Yet in a serious case of Gender Identity infection it recently urged staff to use gender neutral language. Queer Theory claims biological sex is fluid and irrelevant but SEX is fundamental to much of the School's work.
2./ We know this from the School's excellent Centre for Maternal Health. MARCH is dedicated to reducing the "10 million new-born, child, adolescent, maternal, and stillborn deaths" every year. Women's reproductive biology is of course its central focus. lshtm.ac.uk/research/centr…
3./ Sex is also at the heart of the School's famous work on mosquito borne diseases like yellow fever, zika and dengue. It also houses the library of Sir Ronald Ross, who discovered malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes; a process rooted in biological sex. lshtm.ac.uk/research/libra…
1./ On Tatchell and his TOTALLY unambiguous condemnation of paedophilia. People asked me to retweet today's thread without the break. So here goes. Read the first tweet here👇then I've reposted the others in order.
2./ Here's his letter from 1997. Peter's conducted a none too subtle edit of his own. Today, he claims he wrote it is "impossible to condone paedophilia". In fact the letter says it MAY be "impossible to condone". Rather a telling difference you MAY think; and it gets worse.👇
3./ The letter describes a book which "challenges the assumption that all sex between adults and children is abusive" as courageous and cites "distinguished anthropologists" who document societies where "inter-generational sex is considered normal, beneficial and enjoyable". 👀
3./ Tatchell describes a book which "challenges the assumption that all sex between adults and children is abusive" as courageous and cites "distinguished anthropologists" who document societies where "inter-generational sex is considered normal, beneficial and enjoyable". 👀🙄
4./ He mentions Gilbert Herdt, an expert on Papua New Guinea but in 1997 there was another expert on that country who was on the front pages whom Tatchell failed to mention. He'd just been charged with child sex offences. 👇 nytimes.com/1997/02/19/us/…
5./ Daniel Gajdusek won a Nobel Prize for his work on the mysterious molecules, prions, which he showed could spread disease, despite having no RNA or DNA. Prions lurked hidden in the brains of locals in Papua New Guinea until they were eaten in rituals.npr.org/sections/thesa…
1./ Of magic, miracles and the mental health impact of gender identity propaganda. After Emma Corin in a chest binder and Elliot Page's top surgery we're now regaled by Tommy Dorfman reintroduced as a 'woman', who says 'she' was trapped "in the wrong body". Miracle or madness?👇
2./ Dorfman's story was showcased in @TIME whose owner the billionaire Marc @Benioff likes a miracle or two. His own life was magically transformed when he met an Indian guru Mata Amritanandamayi, known as the hugging saint.👇 dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…
3./ Mata built a vast business empire. Her biography tells a miraculous story of how she survived for a time on a diet of glass and faeces, diverted storms and fed a thousand people from a single pot. That makes Tommy's miracle sound positively mundane.👇nytimes.com/2013/05/26/bus…
1./ Oh look! Guess what country has pioneered the latest pointless and silly gender identity demand. Of course, it's Argentina, one of the most corrupt, and dysfunctional, nations on the planet, with a government that's long specialised in dodgy LGBTQ+ displacement activity. 👇
2./ Here in TERF island we're nervous inflation has hit 2.5%. In Argentina it's now 50%. Only Sudan, Venezuala, Zimbabwe and Lebanon have worse. But don't worry you can't afford the basics. Your nice woke government has given you an X on your passport. 👇reuters.com/world/americas…
3./ I've written before about the influence of the awful Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the long-time President who's now officially Vice President (aptly named) but increasingly pulls the strings as November 2021 elections approach.👇ft.com/content/b3a693…
1./ What's the link between this appalling French scandal, a monkey in a kid's library and the most recent hounding of @jk_rowling? All are connected by the mish mash of undigested ideas that drives so much of today's LGBTQ+ movement: Queer Theory.👇thetimes.co.uk/article/senior…
2./ When a "queer" activist jokes about porn being shown to children he's channelling Queer Theory's disdain for boundaries and carelessness towards child safeguarding. But how DID this assumption that the combo of kids and sex are a big joke infect an entire movement?
3./ It all started in France, home of that judge who offered his 12 year old daughter online.🙄In 1972, Gayle Rubin, Queer Theory's high priestess, visited Paris, immersing herself in the work of Derrida and Foucault among others; as she told her protege Judith Butler in 1994.👇