Tonight, a whistleblower sent us @DefendingEd the @fcpsnews Grade 2 Summer Learning 2021 guide. Look at “Suggested Texts”➡️“Safe” by “Woke Kindergarten” with this message for 2nd graders: “I feel safe when there are no police.” YouTube then cues up Woke K’garten’s “pronoun” books
Here is the “Learning Guide” for 2nd graders from Fairfax County Public Schools, VA, with the hyperlink to “Woke Kindergarten” reading of “Safe,” with the message: “I feel safe when there are no police.” @FairfaxCountyPD@stella_pekarsky
Here is the video that @fcpsnews recommends for second graders with the message, “I feel safe when there are no police.” 👮🏽♀️👮🏼👮🏾♀️👮🏻
I'd like to ask @fcpsnews@FCPSSupt and @AkieaG,
the creator of Woke Kindergarten, to comment on the criticism that it's inappropriate, dangerous + anti-police to teach 2nd graders: “I feel safe when there are no police.” Could you please comment?
Many asked me who is clapping when Michelle Leete says, "Let them die!" about folks with different viewpoints. In my work as an independent journalist, I investigated. My findings: @FairfaxDems organized the protest. Its chair @BryanGrahamVA applauds, "Let them die!" Thread
Could you please comment @FairfaxDems@BryanGrahamVA on why you applauded when “Let them die!” was declared? Could others please also comment on why they just went on with the protest without saying anything, even now? Protest organizer @GSchoradt is a @DemsProvidence official.
“Let them die,” says @FairfaxNAACP leader Michelle Leete at protest before @fcpsnews board. Folks against critical race theory are here, with protestors including Leete opposing them. It’ll be 🧨 tonight. Watch at…
Now a @TJAlumniAG member applauds “students of color” in new TJ Class of 2025. Too bad the 70% of Asian students at TJ don’t count as being “of color.”
Now police tell a parent opposed to critical race theory she can’t wear her flag scarf inside. And a white blonde woman tells me that she doesn’t agree with my writings on TJ but acknowledges my right to speak. Uhhh…thanks? #FirstAmendment#FreeSpeech
TJ PTSA's president is an attorney @arnoldporter , which represents lobbyist @TJAlumniAG. TJAAG lobbied to kill the merit test to TJ. She says TJAAG is not her client. She voted to NOT release a survey showing parents support the merit test. Does she have a conflict of interest?
Why does this matter? Thomas Jefferson HS for Science and Technology is a crown jewel in America's education system and winning it is a feather in the cap -- or crown -- of woke activists, represented in this battle by @TJAlumniAG and @arnoldporter. This is no ordinary fight.
🚨ACTION ALERT. @DefendingEd created a portal where Fairfax County residents can send a message to @FCPSSupt Scott Brabrand, FCPS School Board's 12 members + new Chief Equity Officer @LisaLwilliams13
to express their opposition to the the biased survey.
🤯@DefendingEd FOIA revealed @fcpsnews signed a $49,600 Feb. 8 purchase order with @LeadershipAcad_ to do “Anti-Bias Community Engagement Policy,” including a “survey.” THEN March 11, it signed a 4-year contract that could add up to $700,000+
MUST READ @USATODAY chronicles the national movement against teaching hateful critical race theory to kids. One thing: it's not just "Republicans." @aliaemily cites new @DefendingEd poll that reveals MOST folks oppose racist ideas of critical race theory.…
Media needs to stop pigeonholing this as "conservative." @USATODAY@aliaemily recognizes: "A recent poll by @DefendingEd found more than two-thirds of respondents "opposed schools teaching that America was founded on racism + is structurally racist."…
The @USATODAY piece acknowledges: "Close to 3 in 4 respondents said schools shouldn't teach students that white people are inherently privileged and people of color inherently oppressed."
JUST IN. @fcpsnews whistleblower sent @DefendingEd the questions teachers got in the SHAM survey @FCPSSupt sent out last week -- cowritten by consultant @NYCLeadership.
Agree or disagree? "I have what I need to carry our an anti-racist and anti-biased education." #leading#scam
Agree or disagree? 16. I regularly examine how my beliefs, biases, and role may contribute to or replicate inequitable practices. 17. I purposefully learn about the multiple identities of my students, families, and communities to inform my decision-making and actions.