Are aunt Flo and aunt Rose visiting you in the red tent?
Come and break the curse.
Let's write together.
- 1 day
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- 1 story: science fiction, fantastic or fantasy
Some were trying to grow trees for climate purpose. But we knew it was useless with no change in industrial activities.
So we got the grant and grew cannabis and poppy.
The public service robots were supposed to bear any kind of insults. That's why they were placed in the front line as first contacts for the claims department.
This day, we discovered, they had their limits too.
It took many losses for the space crews to admit that their best pilots were not necessarily able to perform manual landing on unknown planets.
The spaceships systems manage the parameters way better.
They liked the purple rain that reminded them of an old song. They loved the purple sky, which they thought was romantic.
They didn't worry about the planet changing until their own skin got purple and painful.
Due to our way of life, we all have at least two or three medical conditions to handle and live with. How can you know which indisposition is severe enough to consult a doctor?
Fortunately, my home assistant has a basic diagnostic algorithm.
When looking for a new house on the coast, don't forget to visit twice.
Watch the sea level at high tide, and you'll understand why some people want to leave.
They're afraid to get drowned, and they're right.
As the human diaspora was spreading in the universe, the Federation was worried.
They, who had destroyed their own planet, were considered dangerous.
The Fed, therefore, forbid all interspecies reproduction with them, allowing infertile sex contacts only.
We worked hard to preserve some places, all around the world, protected from human activity. Their locations are kept secrets, since some thought they could use them as good spots for weddings and private celebrations.
—So what's this "+1"in the program? Aren't they supposed to help us stay organised?
—The new machines are good, but they hate periodicity. We add 1 second to the routine each day.
—But it shifts the whole thing!
—We readjust the cycle every three months. #writever
I was a happy little boy, then as an adolescent, I started to have cramps. I thought it was just growing pains, but my parents told me the truth.
I was the cyborg semi clone of my dead brother... I mean, of my dead self... I don't know.
The purple lenses effects exceed all expectations. Some people decided to wear them permanently.
They're designed to fight racism. You can only see people's flesh and blood. Not their color. Not their appearance. Everyone is purple, red and beautiful. #writever
Some of us are born resistant to any antalgic treatment.
As it 's impossible to find relief, we're considered cursed.
But my loving family cares enough to avoid every situation potentially dangerous for me.
They say I'm their safeguard.
The leaders of this faith group were condemned for torture acts.
Not only did they encourage their members to avoid chemical medicines, they also forbade plant medication, even natural analgesics.
— How were the negotiations with the humans?
— They accepted to accommodate some of us in exchange for help with their climate concerns, but they got angry when we offered to reveal the keys to their unsolved police cases. I think they do love mystery. #writever
Although the humans' discourse on the necessity for mutual fecundation between cultures seems attractive, it's all about dominating others and depredation.
When the men from earth arrive on a planet, everybody knows and get prepared for soft resistance.
I've stopped to watch my youth photos and videos with my grandchildren. They always say I look miserable. They are not able to appreciate what was the true face of humanity before the permanent smile and the joy implants.
I used to work on old Earth. As an archeologist. I remember the flowers.
— Flowers? I was told it's a total desert!
— It's all contaminated. But their last wars killed so many people that the corpse and blood acted like a fertilizer.
18/Hot water bottle
— When it hurts, you just have to concentrate on the painful zone and breath deeply
— You can also put a hot-water bottle on it.
— What for? If you're concentrated enough, the mednanobots know where to work ! #writever
As our health monitoring system is able to balance our neurochemicals and hormones levels, complaining about how we feel is kind of a healing spell.
My cousin who repeatedly lied about being tired had an adrenaline overdose.
At first, these women were pacifist change activists.
Facing their government's inaction, day after day, they started to fight them with great fury.
They're said to be monsters, but, unlike the State, they don't kill people. They only break things. #writever
—Is this true that our ancestors used to wash in drinking water instead of our cleansing magnetic flux?
—It is.
—But water is dangerous to the metallic organs, isn't it?
— You forget that at this time, the humans still had wholly organic bodies.
In 2056, due to the great Earth warming, men's fertility suddenly decreased all over the world.
Posthumous gamete donation saved the humanity, as the sperm banks were full and well refrigerated.
— What's depression? She asked.
He was old enough to remember the time when denial of the state of the world was the common attitude. Was this happiness? He watched his daughter sadly and said:
— It's just how we feel every day. It's the human condition.
To give humanity a chance, we sent our children in the generational spaceship called LASTHOPE.
While we're trying to repair our planet, their ship is searching another earth.
I can't forget my son, found healthy enough to leave, waving hands with a sad smile. #writever
Once a month, the Hikud boys and men use a neural device to experiment with their sister, mother or friend, what premenstrual syndrome is.
This tradition, called lunar parallax, is a great factor for interpersonal understanding and balanced relationships. #writever
The collapse of our world was a hope for those who didn't want to change anything in their way of life.
They'd rather enjoy their privilege until it all stop, than give it up.
We didn't let them decide for us. #writever
27/ Ritual
The clones had to follow a monthly ritual, reconnecting to the memory of the original themselves.
I did.
I really wanted to be faithful to the person who decided to give me life.
But, understanding how a silly cow she was, I fled with other free clones.
When hiring you, they give you access to the wellbeing monitoring system, as an evidence of their interest in your health.
But as soon as you start the job, they explain you how to turn off the red light of the alarms, «for your own comfort», of course.
The atmosphere was safe for human lungs. The settlers scanned the surface of the sea. Its composition was really close to the earth's oceans. Bob bravely jumped into it and found it was thick and lumpy. Once you're in, you can never go out.
We all know, now, that being perceived different expose children to STIGMA, which means Socialization Through Internalized Guilt and Multiple Agressions.
It has to be considered a form of complex trauma and treated accordingly.
In the newly found manuscript, the Christ doesn't drink wine with his disciples.
They drink beer, which is plausible.
Thus, he never says : « This is my Blood», but he jokes saying : «This is my urine », then they laugh.
I really doubt the church will like it. #writever
Vous voyez rouge quand les anglais débarquent?
En août nous écrivons ensemble et croisons SFF et menstrues.
1 jour
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1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread, pour les archives mensuelles #writever
Ça va saigner!
"Gentil Coquelicot, Mesdames?", proposa le vendeur d'aniplantes de compagnie, un sourire aux lèvres.
Le Coquelicot avait une crète immense, aussi rouge que son plumage. Il semblait peu commode.
Ces dames déclinèrent.
Elles prendraient un Chat-teigne. #writever
Je foncerai comme un ours
Aux pattes de velours
Je veux toucher du doigt
La peau de ton tambour
«Le tambour est intime, commenta la maîtresse. Personne n'y touche sans permission. Cette chanson terrienne est choquante. N'oubliez pas, vous pouvez dire non.» #writever
"Do not sell sun in July", an italian proverb says.
The sun? #writever gives it to you.
1 day
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1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ
can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the
sunny #writever
The new bionic eyes were able to translate light waves into AI made alt text. However, the users often preferred the synesthetic options. They then could hear a song, feel a tactile sensation or even taste what they couldn't see.
— So, you tell me they use heat pumps to accumulate and supply energy for their heat pumps! What's the point?
— It makes their home cooler. Unlike our species, they can't stand normal temperatures.
«Soleil de juillet donne la fortune», dit-on.
Laissons-nous éblouir et inspirer par la liste de l'été.
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1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread pour prendre part à la ronde #writever
Quand le Smic horaire, c'est-à-dire, le salaire minimum pour s'offrir loyer et électricité, prit pour nom «Heure-Lumière», seuls les plus anciens se souvenaient, nostalgiques, du temps où l'espace et ses mystères faisaient l'objet d'une science officielle. #writever
2/ Chaleur
Zoé ouvrit précautionneusement la fenêtre, sortit la plaque, s'apergea d'eau fraîche, puis cassa les œufs. Elle salua le voisin qui préparait son bacon de la même façon et se souvint de l'époque où il fallait produire de la chaleur pour cuire les aliments. #writever
Are you a LGBTQIA+? An ally ? Not informed about those things?
In June, we'll explore the Vocabulary of Pride.
1 day
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1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the #writever march
We understand how fascinating it can be, one foot after the other, but we won't pay for that experience.
The richer we are, the less we walk. Who needs another walking robot?
I love the end of the school year, just because of the Bal.
You can dress as grandiose as you want, be who you will, yourself or anyone else.
Our robotic and cyborg friends always try to look more human, while we tend to be really eccentric.
📝Vous êtes LGBTQIA+? Allié? Vous n'y connaissez rien?
En juin, explorons le vocabulaire des fiertés
1 jour
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1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread pour prendre part à la ronde #writever
Le nombre a toujours été notre supériorité. Mais il fallait démonter les discours, surmonter nos peurs.
Alors, tous les laissés-pour-compte sont sortis. SDF, psychiatrisés, migrants, chômeurs, pour la Marche des invisibles.
Après ça, le monde a changé. #writever
— «studio 3m2 au sol, triple mezzanine, avec lavabo et Bal»... Ça a l'air cool, mais c'est quoi «Bal»? Y a une salle des fêtes dans l'immeuble?
— C'est la boîte aux lettres. Il n'y a plus de courrier, mais ça fait un petit volume de rangement supplémentaire. #writever
📝Un immense merci à @NicoMartinFC qui a pris du peu de temps que lui laissent ses vies multiples pour concocter un voyage guidé #writever dans les coulisses de la Maison de la Radio.
Sa liste constituait une trame déjà narrative et @NicoMartinFC nous a même accompagnés une bonne partie du mois !
🏆Bravo à tous les participants, ceux d'un jour, ceux de toujours, les fidèles et les volages, les neufs sous blister et les anciens patinés!