Are you a LGBTQIA+? An ally ? Not informed about those things?
In June, we'll explore the Vocabulary of Pride.
1 day
1 word
1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the #writever march
We understand how fascinating it can be, one foot after the other, but we won't pay for that experience.
The richer we are, the less we walk. Who needs another walking robot?
I love the end of the school year, just because of the Bal.
You can dress as grandiose as you want, be who you will, yourself or anyone else.
Our robotic and cyborg friends always try to look more human, while we tend to be really eccentric.
Now that most love relationships are triadic and bisexual, the monosexual minority tries to preserve their identities.
Sappho has then become one of their icons, like Oscar Wilde and Giacomo Casanova.
The robots usefulness can't be a condition to their access to elementary rights, the parliament said.
«If we had to apply this to human beings, how many of us would have to get destroyed?» they asked.
Now that I'm 18 years old, I'm on the list.
Which means that I can be picked at random to be the king for the next 5 years.
No one wants to be the king.
Although they teach you everything you need to know, it's such a responsibility!
When the Visitors got out of their starship with their glitter clothes, everybody thought they looked like disco dancers.
Therefore, they had to be cool.
But they also had glitter powerful weapons.
Julia and Tess wanted to name their daughter after a really symbolic place.
Soho, Castro, Village or Gaixample appeared to be strange names and they knew nothing about the child's future personality. They, therefore, called her Chelsea. #writever
I used to wonder who really needed a gay bookstore, until I met Harry.
He doesn't drink. He hates dancing. He can't stand too much noise and all he likes is reading.
Harry met his husband in such a bookstore.
As the crisis grew worse, the president and his richest friends left public life and found shelter in their well guarded gated communities.
They hoped to be forgotten.
We couldn't forgive. We therefore burned the villas.
After a 3 years research on horse genome, we identified 2 subspecies with the unicorn capabilities.
We are now discussing whether we should help them express the gene or not.
Human behavior is a major contraindication.
We know all electronic devices may include surveillance systems. But we chose not to avoid them. Instead, we try to understand how the programs work and we feed them with misleading information.
We fought under the Earth flag and lost many of our friends in this war.
Now that we're back, you say we're not real humans and we haven't spent enough time on the planet to have full citizenship.
Are you making fun of us?
You remember the pills in the Matrix movie?
I think I would have taken both. The blue and the red one.
I can't understand why people always want me to choose, while I'm sure I'm able to handle complex situations.
Give me all, I'll find out how to manage it. #writever
14/coming out
We raise our children with no assignation. We tell them about all existing possibilities and we invite them to create their own identities. When they're ready, they tell us what they like, who they want to be and we help them to find a suitable name.
I attend consent group meetings in which we spend hours reading the terms of agreement for online services. Then, we make short and readable summaries to help people know exactly what they are engaging in.
All the big corporations hate us. #writever
Due to climate change and lack of water, it's now forbidden to make true rainbows with sprayed droplets for wedding parties.
People use light effects, but it's more expensive and less magic.
The recent 2078 report on equality shows that, although human beings are more respectful of one another, woman shaped and dark-coloured robots face more discrimination than other models.
We have to take this issue very seriously. #writever
The main cause of our ancestors depressions is their belief in individual identities.
How could each person left alone and powerless with their existential issues handle the responsibility of their life events?
Many failed, and we know now it was normal.
We decided to establish the Cuban Institute for LGBT Rights in front of the great vegetal statue of Fidel.
It's a funny way of honoring the memory of Harvey Milk's struggle and death in late 70's San Francisco.
Before 2060, gender sensitivity wasn't classified as a mental disorder, whereas magnetic auras perception was.
Nowadays, we've got efficient ways to help our patients to open their minds and stop focusing on specific traits of other people.
In order to schedule your work for the week, just drag the icon of the task on the location of the day.
If you want a day off you'll have to fill the 54D form, in 3 copies, at least 15 days before and send it to your supervisors.
With this new law reinforcement we aim to bar bigots from coming back into the country.
They left in protest? Good for them.
Either they learn to leave people alone, either they settle somewhere else.
Anxiety is everywhere.
That's why we sell Joy.
This pill helps you to reverse your negative orientation, see the positive aspects of each situation and take time to rejoice.
I can prescribe it to you, unless you're on the list of solving problems professionals. #writever
24/ Patrocle
In those days, the power in place killed people who refused to deny what they were : proud black people, free women, queer persons...
«Patrocle is dead» was then the usual formula to announce a forced coming out, which meant mortal danger. #writever
25/ non-binary
Non-binary people helped us to think out of the box and find creative solutions to the greatest problems of our times, like climate change and inequality.
I've been writing science-fiction long before the vogue of this genre. On the one hand, I'm happy to share cultural references with much more people, on the other hand, I'm afraid they're missing all the politic power of speculative fiction. #writever
This horrible town was divided into economic districts, with no transition between very rich people and very poor ones.
We started to settle down in interstitial places, making room for sharing and meeting.
They used to say that the secret for an healthy food was diversity.
However, they never considered all the possibilities, only focusing on the origin, vegetable or animal, of the nutrients.
When they were all fed up with the domination and its side effects, they went out in the street and started breaking stuff.
The humans were so afraid, they tried to destroy the machines.
That's how the first machine riot turned into war.
📝Vous êtes LGBTQIA+? Allié? Vous n'y connaissez rien?
En juin, explorons le vocabulaire des fiertés
1 jour
1 mot
1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread pour prendre part à la ronde #writever
Le nombre a toujours été notre supériorité. Mais il fallait démonter les discours, surmonter nos peurs.
Alors, tous les laissés-pour-compte sont sortis. SDF, psychiatrisés, migrants, chômeurs, pour la Marche des invisibles.
Après ça, le monde a changé. #writever
— «studio 3m2 au sol, triple mezzanine, avec lavabo et Bal»... Ça a l'air cool, mais c'est quoi «Bal»? Y a une salle des fêtes dans l'immeuble?
— C'est la boîte aux lettres. Il n'y a plus de courrier, mais ça fait un petit volume de rangement supplémentaire. #writever
📝Un immense merci à @NicoMartinFC qui a pris du peu de temps que lui laissent ses vies multiples pour concocter un voyage guidé #writever dans les coulisses de la Maison de la Radio.
Sa liste constituait une trame déjà narrative et @NicoMartinFC nous a même accompagnés une bonne partie du mois !
🏆Bravo à tous les participants, ceux d'un jour, ceux de toujours, les fidèles et les volages, les neufs sous blister et les anciens patinés!
📝May-onnaise, May-day, May-hem, May-weed,
Maybirds mayfly and while mayting maybe may sing?
Let's follow @NicoMartinFC's cues.
1 Day,
1 Word,
1 Short story (scifi, fantastic or fantasy), #writever to be seen and retweeted by @WriteverJ,
In one thread, for posterity
He wiped the name on the placard, wrote "Last Days Saints" and moved the hands of the giant clock on his chest.
Then he started to ring his bell, shouting :
"Listen ! The countdown to the end of the world has just begun!"
Our best product is group pictures. As it's been forbidden to gather more than three persons in the same place to avoid spreading the new viruses, these pictures are studio made, with green screens. People really love them.
📝"Quand le merle chante en mai, avril est fini !" dit un proverbe belge.
Écoutons ce qu'il en est, dans le sillage de Nicolas Martin.
1 jour
1 mot
1 nouvelle de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être vu et retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread pour la postérité
1/Compte à rebours
On sait l'heure de l'impact, la chaîne des effets. La vie n'est plus qu'un compte à rebours.
Certains regardent approcher la météorite, d'autres s'entassent dans les dernières zones ou rejoignent leurs proches.
Moi je n'ai personne. Je fais la fête. #writever
Après des semaines de recherche anxieuse, Julia avait enfin trouvé un logement dans ses prix à Paris. Un studio avec salle de bain, kitchenette et mezzanine. Son dossier était accepté. Restait à réussir l'entretien avec les 3 autres colocataires. #writever
This month's #writever list will make April fashionable. Be a part of it:
One day, one word, one science fiction (or fantasy) short story in one tweet.
Weave them together in one thread, always using the #writever tag, so @WriteverJ can see and retweet you.
She was born in a warm blanket
She grew up, wore a warm jacket
Earth got hot! She said: Wrong Planet!
Then she fled with her great rocket. #writever
—They say he's the best hand surgeon of all known worlds!
— Yes. He can treat upper extremity injuries for at least 45 species.
— Ok. Then tell me why they never say his name?
— He's from earth and his real name is Hook!
Le #writever d'avril ne se découvre pas d'un fil.
Venez tisser le vôtre :
Un jour, un mot, une nouvelle de Science-fiction (ou Fantastique ou Fantasy).
Si vous vous répondez d'un jour sur l'autre avec le hashtag qui va bien vous serez repéré et retweeté par @WriteverB
La machine à traduire universelle ne comprenait que les langues parlées.
Quand les extraterrestres qu'on a baptisés les Thermos sont venus, ça a été compliqué. Ils émettaient Chaud pour Oui, Froid pour Non tandis qu'un créatif essayait de deviner leurs pensées. #writever
—Vous allez adorer cette nouvelle Peau™. Son indice de protection solaire vous permettra de mieux supporter la vie en surface. Et nous avons prévu un œillet pour le crochet.
—Quel crochet?
—La V1 s'abîmait quand les clients accrochaient leur Peau™ le soir. #writever