La loi autorisa certaines modifications corporelles, moyennant le discernement des personnes.
Il fallut un recours pour inscrire les cornes sur la liste. Le premier ministre avoua alors souffrir d'une phobie des femmes licornes, comme beaucoup d'hommes. #writever
Are you a LGBTQIA+? An ally ? Not informed about those things?
In June, we'll explore the Vocabulary of Pride.
1 day
1 word
1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the #writever march
We understand how fascinating it can be, one foot after the other, but we won't pay for that experience.
The richer we are, the less we walk. Who needs another walking robot?
I love the end of the school year, just because of the Bal.
You can dress as grandiose as you want, be who you will, yourself or anyone else.
Our robotic and cyborg friends always try to look more human, while we tend to be really eccentric.
đź“ťMay-onnaise, May-day, May-hem, May-weed,
Maybirds mayfly and while mayting maybe may sing?
Let's follow @NicoMartinFC's cues.
1 Day,
1 Word,
1 Short story (scifi, fantastic or fantasy), #writever to be seen and retweeted by @WriteverJ,
In one thread, for posterity
He wiped the name on the placard, wrote "Last Days Saints" and moved the hands of the giant clock on his chest.
Then he started to ring his bell, shouting :
"Listen ! The countdown to the end of the world has just begun!"
Our best product is group pictures. As it's been forbidden to gather more than three persons in the same place to avoid spreading the new viruses, these pictures are studio made, with green screens. People really love them.
This month's #writever list will make April fashionable. Be a part of it:
One day, one word, one science fiction (or fantasy) short story in one tweet.
Weave them together in one thread, always using the #writever tag, so @WriteverJ can see and retweet you.
She was born in a warm blanket
She grew up, wore a warm jacket
Earth got hot! She said: Wrong Planet!
Then she fled with her great rocket. #writever
—They say he's the best hand surgeon of all known worlds!
— Yes. He can treat upper extremity injuries for at least 45 species.
— Ok. Then tell me why they never say his name?
— He's from earth and his real name is Hook!