Want me to do another 6 Week forcast of what's going to happen before it happens or are you all pretty much good?
Doesn't bother me which one you Collectively choose.. Everything is KNOWN.
Every FF event.
Every stupid decision someone tries to make along the way.
Every negative
Vibe, Planted person or ones who are trying to detour ANYONE away from God, is KNOWN.
EVERY Natural Disaster.
EVERY Real & Fake News article or reporting, It's all known about.
THERE IS NOTHING that is Hidden from God or the Travelers that stand next to me.
This timeline was chosen to FIX #EVERYTHING !!
Everyone is feeding into A Machine that ALREADY knows all of this & is using YOUR lack of knowledge about any of it against YOU.
All Connected.
Mostly Staged/Movie
There is A reason WHY I Know about EVERYTHING that happens before it happens & Warn EVERYONE about events before they happen as well ..
Others have traveled, they traveled MANY Millenia to HELP Humanity finally get it right ..
Going back & forth, collecting data, Storing that data & giving it to humanity in A way that helps Humanity bring down A THOUSAND year old reign of terror upon this world ..
So many evil things have been done upon children/Humanity because they thought SHE WOULD HAVE WON & the
I have SHOWN/shared all that I do for 1 reason & 1 reason only, to bring COMFORT that #EVERYTHING is KNOWN . It should bring COMFORT in knowing who is watching over them.
Everything is Heard
Everything is Seen.
There is absolutely NOTHING that is hidden from God.
Anything that evil tires to do upon Humanity, is known about & is countered in some way to protect EVERYONE ..
Anything ANYONE does on goods side or darks side, is known.
MY PEOPLE will NOT be FOOLED any more. They have been
awakened EARLY for A reason..
It's ALWAYS good to stay 10 steps ahead & always KNOW thy enemy. ..
Without darkness light can not shine, without evil #WE would not have each other. ..
The Chosen have been chosen for A Specific #REASON ..
It's up to you too see the REST.
I'm not showing the other post I made that goes with this.. Why? Because it didn't matter in THE BEGINNING so WHY should it matter now?
I have FAITH in YOU seeing it. I gave THE PEOPLE #EVERYTHING just to be spit on & Judged.
All I Can say is, thank for showing me everyones true colors.
So many showed me who they really are & it's sad, it truly is.
I gave EVERYONE #EVERYTHING just to watch everyone tear each other apart or turn this whole movement into A Popularity contest.
No Matter what I Did for everyone to SEE the BIGGER PICTURE Crystal Clearly so NO ONE would be bitching & moaning or kicking & Screaming OR Treating others like shit, it was NEVER good enough..
Ones just seemed to know better than God ..