"The way we imagine discrimination or disempowerment often is more complicated for people who are subjected to multiple forms of exclusion. The good news is that intersectionality provides us a way to see it."
"If you don't have a lens that's been trained to look at how various forms of discrimination come together, you're unlikely to develop a set of policies that will be as inclusive as they need to be."
"#Intersectionality is an analytic sensibility, a way of thinking about identity and its relationship to power. Originally articulated on behalf of black women, the term brought to light the invisibility of many constituents within groups that claim them as members ...
.... but often fail to represent them."
— Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
"We are a society that has been structured from top to bottom by race. You don't get beyond that by deciding not to talk about it anymore. It will always come back; it will always reassert itself over and over again."
— Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
'Some of the worst racist tragedies in history have been perfectly legal."
— Kimberle Williams Crenshaw
Setting The Record Straight.
"What Is Critical Race Theory"
An African American Professor at Princeton Destroys Prager University"s Misinformation on #CriticalRaceTheory.
"The Atlantic slave trade was well under way before there even was such a thing as the “Black Race” or the “White Race,” both previously being a host of various nationalities, ethnicities, religions, cultures, languages, and phenotypical features."
“The Civil Rights Acts proposed to do something that libertarian ideology insisted was impossible –expand personal freedom by expanding central government power.”
"The black experience is a living reminder that government is not alone as a potential threat to personal liberty. It is possible, as in the Jim Crow South, to build a government so weak that no one’s personal liberties can be protected."
Ibeji (known as Ibejí, Ibeyí, or #Jimaguas in Latin America) is the name of an Orisha representing a pair of twins in the Yoruba religion of the Yoruba people ( present-day Nigeria).
If Burkean conservatism is a response to the French Revolution, then African conservatism is also a response. It emerges out of, and in response to the shock of both Colonialism and The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade — the largest forced migration in history.
The LARGEST, long-distance, coerced migration in human history — The Atlantic slave trade is the backdrop, for the dissimilar attitudes, values, unique differences, between, Anglo conservatism, and what is referred to as African or "black conservatism".