Uh, The L. Frank Baum Oz books were a parable about the gold standard and fiat money. 🤦♂️ “In the books, Dorothy's slippers were silver, and the yellow brick road, silver slippers, and emerald green city were said to represent the gold standard, silverites, and paper money.”
A throwaway comment in this story about Technicolor… Need to learn more about what he was getting on about with this. gizmodo.com/how-technicolo…
Ok, good news, he wasn’t a gold bug. But he was following this (old) debate and worked it into the stories as early as the 1890-1900 timeframe.
Baum apparently opposed William Jennings Bryan, who wanted to augment the gold standard by minting silver coinage too. But he opposed fiat money. Baum’s Emerald City looks like it’s made from greenbacks… because he meant it to, allegedly.
Very interesting how this debate about money is just under the surface or so much American history and culture. And we are still conflicted about it. Crypto is playing the same debate out again now.
Possibly Baum just opposed silver but supported the gold standard and gold redemption of paper money… sigh. Now I’m going to have to find some scholarly material on this; hopefully it’s more than just speculation, too.
Oohkay, so if Baum opposed Bryan, that means he supported McKinley, who favored the gold standard. So yeah Baum probably was a goldbug. 😞
1/I’ve been thinking about our current predicaments in the context of thermodynamics, specifically something called the Constructal Law.
Proposed by Adrian Bejan as a first principle of physics, and offers insights into where we may be headed geopolitically and evolutionarily.
2/Bejan says: “For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed (global) currents that flow through it."
More simply, survival requires increased access to and better flow of resources.
3/This implies that our need for more energy, more resources, more food, more people, more GDP is not only a byproduct of capitalism but a reality of physics: to survive over time, systems are always optimizing for access to resources. It’s just what they do.
Very interesting paper on the "Stewardship of global collective behavior" which has many good observations. I have my own opinions about solutions which are a bit different. But this is the core of the problem and perhaps the thorniest issue we face. pnas.org/content/118/27…
Like, ok, as if this isn't a loaded statement: "We suggest that there is an urgent need for an equivalent of the Hippocratic oath for anyone studying or intervening into collective behavior, whether from within academia or from within social media companies and other tech firms."
And, lol, my GOD yes: "This raises the possibility that some business models may be fundamentally incompatible with a healthy society. In such cases, identified interventions may not be in the interests of either the company or the users that prefer it."
So this is totally normal... A. B. "Buzzy" Krongard, who was Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on 9/11, sponsored the VIP Party for Trump's 2006 Miss USA Pageant. 🧐
Read up on Krongard's connections to Alex. Brown, Blackwater, Erik Prince, and more... He is a central character. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._B._Kro…
Another VIP Party host, Chuck Nabit, was recently convicted of trafficking women across state lines for the purposes of prostitution. One woman he was paying for sex was seeking addiction treatment from a facility owned by Nabit. justice.gov/usao-md/pr/bal…
1/For a clear insight into what our current conflict is about, check out this Congressional testimony by Robert E. Bauman from March 9, 2000. It's about the future of monetary systems: fiat currency vs. digital cash and the "sovereign individual."
2/This is what January 6th was about: libertarian absolutists who insist on a hierarchical, authoritarian view of society vs. collaborative, cooperative, pro-democracy advocates of governance. These two worldviews are fundamentally irreconcilable.
3/If we want to save democracy and avoid falling into a permanent state of authoritarian oligarchy, we need to bring this conflict (fiat vs. gold/crypto) to the surface, put all the parts on the table, and synthesize new solutions that put this conflict to rest.
1/It's time we focus on Mark Skousen. He is central in about six different ways to the libertarian extremist movement behind January 6th. His uncle, Cleon Skousen, was an influential John Birch Society + Council for National Policy mainstay. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Cleon_…
2/Mark founded FEEFest in 2002, which later became the libertarian conference "FreedomFest" packed with fascist luminaries and LARPers like Candace Owens. @TheFreedomFest promotes Project Veritas, O'Keefe, etc.
3/Mark is, of course, pushing gold (Nicaraguan no less) and is once again, still predicting financial catastrophes. He's a free market absolutist who believed Adam Smith's "invisible hand" theory was "inspired of god." markskousen.com/offer/fs-decad…
The Bannon/Viganò/Flynn/Putin-led attempt to drive a schism in the Catholic Church is succeeding. This needs a lot more sunlight and awareness in reporting. It’s not about communion, it’s about Moscow as Third Rome!
This is also tied into the alleged prophecy of the “Third Secret of Fátima”. And the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Sovereign Order of St. John, Knights Hospitaller; and Opus Dei faction, all aligned against Pope Francis.