Reporters in the 1930s were shocked by heat deaths because they believed things had been getting so much better! In the middle of a Depression!
Today reporters report on heat deaths with the tone of things getting worse, even though they’re *still* getting better!
Vanishingly few of us die from disasters. We’re producing more food than ever. Emissions are going down. Those trends are going to continue, but you wouldn’t know it from the UN PR department, which aims to persuade people that we are in greater peril. It’s mass neuroticism.
The basis for such alarmism is sociological not scientific. It is driven by the need among secular people for purpose and meaning. The belief that you’re saving the world from Apocalypse appeals to Marvel moviegoers as well as mid-level career diplomats stuck in powerless UN jobs
Emissions are going down thanks to the transition to natural gas & nuclear, which UN types have hotly denounced for decades — perhaps bc tech change underscores the irrelevance of UN bureaucrats whose only power is in issuing hysterical press releases
The same is true of course for many scientists, journalists, policymakers, and activists. They try to block the use of natural gas and nuclear because those techs mean we don’t need UN reports, conferences, junkets, etc. Autonomous tech change means their careers are pointless.
The more emissions decline, the more pointless their existence, and the more they feel the need to terrify schoolchildren. Greta is what you get after decades of indoctrinating schoolteachers, journalists and others in the “educated” classes.
Ignorance about all of the most important trends when it comes to climate change — decarbonization, declining disaster deaths, rising crop yields — don’t result from the *absence of information* but rather the *repetition of misinformation*, eg “No one is safe”
I am flying home from a family reunion in Indiana where my mother and her sisters, born in the 1920s & 1930s described life on the farm
“We got the mumps!”
“And the measles!”
Barns caught on fire. Whole hands were cut off. Babies died.
They *never* went on vacation because grandpa had to milk cows every 8 hours or… catastrophe.
But when I asked, “How was your childhood?” they said, “Oh, really great.” “Very happy.”
They worry about their anxious grandkids who suffer FOMO from being on Instagram all day long
Is this what’s behind the widespread neuroticism that afflicts secular elites in rich nations?
The material challenges have all been solved. We are resilient to weather in ways our grandparents could only dream of. Infrastructure. Food.
And yet we’re more neurotic than ever.
We are told stories of past material hardship by our elders who also stress the stronger social and family ties in the olden days. How many of us have heard some version of, “We were poor, but we had each other.”? Today, we are rich but alone.
I wish neurotic UN diplomats would direct their ennui elsewhere. What ever happened to “Make poverty history”? How about a global crusade for community against loneliness? How about a proper effort to stem drug deaths, which rose in US from 17k in 2000 to 93k in 2020?
Consider this tweet thread CBT against the neurotics who seek purpose in life by spreading anxiety and depression among schoolchildren. Knock it off! Grow up! Stop hiding the facts of rising material well-being behind a cartoon picture of future climate apocalypse!
All data, facts, charts from best-available science is here
Here’s an overview of why most environmental trends are going in the right direction and will continue to do so as long as we avoid hysteria and alarmism
All of my Substack articles contain links to the best-available science and are free to read
Please subscribe so I can keep it free, particularly for young people, who are vulnerable to media-driven misinformation, hysteria, and anxiety-depression
Consider reading the landmark article @TheAtlantic by @glukianoff & @JonHaidt on the rise of “safetyism” which helps explains much of environmental alarmism we see today
"We are out of time." It's alarmist by denying any context. Every IPCC report is constantly weighing costs and benefits. To say "we're out of time" suggests we should immediately halt all emissions, which is absurd. It would trap billions in poverty & impoverish the rest of us.
The second quote admits there's effectively nothing new whatsoever in the new report but adds that there's more "precision." But the precision offers nothing new. We've known for 40 years that humans were warming the planet and, all else being equal we'd like to limit it. Duh.
This quote betrays a goal of the report: to justify using every extreme weather event as a "news hook" to terrify audiences about climate change.
What it doesn't mention is that there's no connection between climate change and droughts in Western US
Consider past megadroughts
This next quote is seriously inane. It says nothing. It's not science. It's literally just rhetoric. More "time is now!" spin. SMH
This quote typifies the whole problem with presenting "climate science" separate from economic trade-offs
Again, all else being equal, we shouldn't want more emissions, but all else is not equal! Would it kill scientists to include the last clause in their statements?
Another quote that misleads people by depriving them of context
Would it kill IPCC authors to make note that heath deaths massively declined thanks to A/C and *will continue to decline* if we keep expanding A/C?
This quote is downright misleading as it implies that climate change is increasing droughts. It's not. See above.
It's inappropriately vague on fires. The biggest factor causing high-intensity forest fires is the build-up of wood fuels. Well-managed forests survive higher temps.
Finally, a quote that is halfway decent. It properly describes climate change as a gradual and long-term problem. As such, it properly contradicts the previous hysterical "now! now! now!" quotes
This quote is typical of how many scientists have switched from talking about "disasters" to "extreme events."
Disasters are measured as deaths & costs and are thus getting *better* not worse.
And so the focus has shifted to precipitation, temperatures, wind speeds, etc.
Can we handle sea level rise of 1-2 feet (~0.6M)? Ask the Dutch.
Physically speaking, we're gonna be okay, guys
Mentally speaking is a whole other story
As always, follow @RogerPielkeJr for the best explanation of the science of climate change impacts
New IPCC notes that "heavier rainfall does not always lead to greater flooding" — something Roger pointed out 22 years ago
The UN claimed climate change is “a code red for humanity," but "Not only is this wrong, it is irresponsible. Nowhere does the IPCC report say that billions of people are at immediate risk"
@RogerPielkeJr debunks the UN's irresponsible fear-mongering:
In 2002, when I co-founded a labor-environmental coalition to advocate for renewable energy, the symbol we chose to represent us was of Rosie the Riveter, an image of a woman factory worker during World War II flexing her muscle beneath the words, “We Can Do It!”.
When President Barack Obama ran for office in 2008, it seemed fitting to me that he chose the slogan, “Yes we can!”
But now, on all the major issues of the day, the message from progressives is “No, you can’t.”
Thank you, Calif. GOP gubernatorial front-runner Mr. @larryelder for your tweet!
Would you please endorse the continued operation of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, which provides 9% of our electricity, and is needed to keep the lights on?
In face of rising drug deaths and violence, and the failure of local & state elected officials to act, a new California coalition of parents of victims, recovering addicts & neighborhood activists is asking the sheriff of Los Angeles to take wider action
California Peace Coalition is a movement of families and concerned citizens fighting to end the drug death crisis, protect our children, and save our cities through a practical and proven agenda
We will formally launch Noon, Monday, Aug 16 in Sacramento
As prominent progressives deny any or significant crime increase in California, and any relationship between the addiction epidemic & homelessness, the state’s progressive fmr Sen. @BarbaraBoxer has been assaulted — one month after Gov @GavinNewsom was — randomly
Progressives have been insisting that any perception of crime by people in California is all in our heads.
And yet crime is up. The king of crime, homicide, is up. Retail theft is up. People have stopped reporting crimes to police bc there’s nothing the police can do because stealing $950 of stuff is effectively legal, and the DA was elected on a platform of not enforcing shoplifting
The cost of natural disasters has been going down since 1990
The world’s leading expert on this is @RogerPielkeJr who testified before the Senate on this 2 days ago
@SenatorTester asked the expert from the Union of Concerned Scientists to counter him & of course she couldn’t
That @SenatorTester & so many people are shocked by what should be commonplace knowledge shows the degree to which activists, scientists, & journalists have brainwashed everyone into thinking the exact opposite of the truth
For decades, Roger has explained that the rising cost of disasters is a consequence of more wealth in harm's way.
He shows people pictures of Miami Beach from 1925 and today. When you factor in rising wealth, which is called "normalizing" the data, there is no trend.
Source: Angus Gunn, Encyclopedia of Disasters, 2007
But weren't past floods due to poverty whereas today's floods are due to excess rainfall?
No. "Whilst the roots of the 1931 flood lay in pattern of environmental history, the proximate cause of the disaster was extremely high levels of precipitation."
Does that mean climate change isn't playing a role in China's floods? No. But its role has to be considered in context of urbanization, better infrastructure, and declining deaths and damages