Chinese banking system is a state-owned insolvent beast living on government support. If central bank digital currency takes biz away from banks, so what? It's not like they're making so much money. (2/8)
American banks--even though I know you don't like them-- are among the most efficient in the world. Employs many people and pay lots of taxes. If CBDC cannibalizes banks, it's a big problem to the state. (3/8)
Also payment innovation has a bigger impact in China b/c unbanked population is high. But in the US, credit card / wire / finTech solutions are already established. The need to improve is much lower (4/8)
It's a different cost & benefit calculation, and a classic example of "innovator's dilemma".
The incumbent and the new entrant are both making rational choices. The irony is these choices may lead to the incumbent being disrupted, even though it didn't make "bad" choices. (5/8)
There is no point for the US to adopt a CBDC for "financial inclusion" motive. Much cost with only marginal benefit. (6/8)
The motive that makes sense is for protecting and growing the global reserve currency status.
But that's a long game. Even if the player is rational, they may not think so many steps ahead. (7/8)
For similar reasons, I'm afraid we're not going to see a lot of CBDCs from other countries soon, even though they are all over the news. (8/8)
Your bank offers 0.2% APY but BlockFi offers 8%. Are high yields in crypto for real?
The answer is yes AND no.
Here’s my review of 6 types of yields in crypto, ranked from most Ponzi 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 to most durable 🏰 🏰 🏰 🏰 🏰.
(Note: A Ponzi simply means the price of X depends on more people buying X, but without creating a meaningful network effect of intrinsic value. I have nothing against Ponzi. You can make money in them as long as you’re not the last fool. A lot of things in life work that way.)
TYPE 1: Staking a token with 100% APY
100% percent of zero is zero.
There are deFi projects hoping to get adoption by offering high yields. The APY is counted in the native token. Since the token is thinly traded, price can be easily manipulated and doesn’t mean much.
The truth is 85% of VCs underperform the stock market. And 50% of them downright lose money.
The crypto market is forcing retail investors to act like VCs. How will this turn out for most people? A 🧵 👇
Many don’t realize how tough a business early stage VC is. 95% of startups fail. Most of the rest 5% are getting by and nowhere near unicorn status. If you invest in 100 startups and one of them becomes a unicorn, you lucked out.
We’ve had over a decade of bull market. We’ve had the internet boom, the FAANG, the Uber and the Airbnb… You’d think with all that excitement of world-changing tech, venture capital would be collecting money left and right.
The easiest way to de-risk bitcoin is to have governments become miners.
Government needs revenue, bitcoin needs legitimacy. It’s a match made in heaven 💍
Not convinced? Let’s break this down 👇
Unlike 3 years ago, you need serious investment to be profitable in bitcoin mining today. Mining startups have been raising capital in the hundreds of million dollars to invest in mining facilities— they see what it will take to remain competitive in this industry.
Bitcoin mining is starting to become more and more like utilities (water, gas, electricity) and traditional mineral mining. All these industries—
1/ need heavy capex investments
2/ have large economy of scale
3/ have strategic importance to a country or region
The US is in big trouble with twin deficits & high debt.
But few realize that a Fed-issued digital USD token can change the fate of America.
Grab a coffee ☕️ & read on 👇
Contrary to common beliefs, America’s biggest export is not tech, not Hollywood…
It’s the USD.
USD is the biggest money network in the world—used for 40-50% of global trade settlement and int’l credits.
With reserve currency status, USD allows America to get away with murder w/ its monetary policy, and run up debt to levels disastrous for other countries.
I’m having too much fun comparing Olympics media coverage in China and the US 🍿
In case you weren’t aware, Olympic sports is a state-owned industry in China. The nation threw big money into training top athletes.
Why? It’s a fantastic governance tool 👇
When you’re a centralized authority, you want your people to be die-hard nationalists. You want to create the mindset of “we’re in this together”, to “make China great again”. When people have common identity, they don’t fight among themselves and that makes your job easier.
Sports are powerful emotional events that bond people together. You’re smart. So you leverage that.
It’s never about the sports. It’s always about national spirit and common goal.
So you invest heavily in sports. Every four years, your investment gets a big pay day.
My Twitter profile conversion rate (profile visit--> follow) shot up from 10% to 85% overnight, after I changed a few words in my bio.
What happened? 👇
I was on a ship-30-for-30 workshop call last weekend w/ @dickiebush and @Nicolascole77 (it's a writing challenge where you write an essay a day for 30 days.)
So we were talking about Twitter bios.
@Nicolascole77 took a look at mine and went, "Woah, freedom, wealth, consciousness? Way to stuff all the big vague words in one sentence! Try to be more specific."