If the price of a Manchin NO on the House reconciliation bill is 19 Republicans voting YES on the Senate infrastructure bill - is that actually a bad deal?
It would be really nice if we won those Georgia Senate seats btw
And hey - maybe this infrastructure bill is terrible, I'm still reading up on the details
But McConnell isn't a fool, nor is he a huge fan of spending money on Democrat priorities, and he's certainly not a sucker for bipartisanship
There's more going on here
He held on the For The People Act and the filibuster
Wait, is David French demanding that conservatives refrain from using government power to achieve conservative ends?
Must be a day that ends in -day
If this isn't a distillation of @sohrab Ahmari's great coinage - "David Frenchism" I don't know what is.
"Don't write new law to solve a novel problem, instead, rely on older law and hope that courts read a broad statute the way you want them to. And if they don't, oh well!"
Another aspect of David Frenchism:
"This old law that liberals wrote is good, right, and just. But this new law that conservatives would write is un-American. Never mind that they are based on the same principles and constitutional foundation."