I really want to know why @ltcoff opened her felt the need to open her @todayshow piece with the story of a parent being berated. It makes it seem like all #ActuallyAutistic people are bullies and it makes it seem like we are all at war with parents. today.com/parents/autism…
Also, it's not like Eileen Lamb is a normal mom. She is someone who has monetized her story, written books about it and has made a name for herself doing it. And why not portray how she's talked about autistic people? today.com/parents/autism…
And also, the "war" narrative makes it seem like there are two groups of people with equal footing when there clearly isn't. One group gets sympathetic media portrayals, political connections and more corporate donations. Self-advocates don't. today.com/parents/autism…
Of course, I shouldn't be surprised NBC does this, given Bob Wright, the founder of Autism Speaks, was head of NBC Universal (he's since retired from both positions). The idea parents of autistic people are neutral actors is ludicrous.
And on top of that, the idea that #ActuallyAutistic people are at "War" with parents is a narrative that certain parent advocates give because 90 percent of parents are indefatigable defenders of their children's rights and autonomy.
And now I know that so many people will say that I am proving their point or that I am somehow biased because I am saying this is a poor portrayal. But I'd argue the opposite. I think me being autistic and knowing the facets of this debate makes me well-equipped to report it.
I've said for a while that Democrats are underestimating DeSantis (and I stand by that). But for my weekend column, I tried to take a look at DeSantis's weaknesses, even by conservative standards. independent.co.uk/us/voices/murd…
Essentially my calculus is this: DeSantis is able to thrive in a state that is favorable to Republicans. But plenty of candidates, from Scott Walker to Rick Perry, failed to launch once they left their insular environments. DeSantis might be that way. independent.co.uk/us/voices/murd…
Similarly, DeSantis's victory against Andrew Gillum was not that impressive. His predecessor Rick Scott outran him in the Senate race against Bill Nelson and performed better with Latinos. He might do better in 2022 just because of incumbency advantage independent.co.uk/us/voices/murd…
I have said this repeatedly but probably the best thing about writing about autism is since then, I have met so many incredible #ActuallyAutistic people, parents, siblings, caregivers, researchers and others. Doing so helped me love myself and I thank them all.
Hey, so I figure as long as I am shamelessly plugging my book, why don't we do some good in the world. So, for the next 24 hours, for each screenshot showing you bought m book today, I'll give $25 to the Greater DC diaper bank up to $500. Deal? hmhbooks.com/shop/books/Wer…
Pictures of cats with the book prompt a $50 donation.
The road to Andrew Cuomo's downfall is mostly, of course, paved by his sexually harassing women and berating and abusing everyone around him. But it's also due to a series of serendipitous events and his own political miscalculations.
First, @RonanFarrow and @JaneMayerNYer, two of the best investigative journalists in the country, uncover some pretty horrific abuse allegations against Eric Schneiderman, then the Attorney General of New York. newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
In addition, Cuomo tried to crush the Working Families Party. He financed the Women's Equality Party, with his war chest. Then he went nuclear on them when they backed Cynthia Nixon. nytimes.com/2018/05/24/nyr…
I began writing this book because @timkmak put me up to writing about autism. I moved to DC to cover economics and politics. I would have been perfectly happy doing so for the rest of my life. I still love covering them and I still cover politics for @Independent
But when I went to a party at @swin24 and @timkmak’s, Tim offered me a drink and I said a medicine I take doesn’t mix with it because I am autistic. (I later tried drinking but have been sober for 2 years) Instead of judging, he said I should write about autistic people in DC.
I thought “meh, I’ll write about it when I get more experienced.” Tim suggested plenty of autistic people thrive in DC. Then when @nationaljournal shut down, I pitched the piece to my editor. Initially it was going to be a chatty piece about autistic life in DC.
Of course, aside from Schumer using the “R Word,” building a congregate home for intellectually disabled children isn’t necessarily the best thing. Like, NIMBYs are bad but congregate settings are also harmful. Schumer gets an F on style and substance.