Hi, @WhiteHouse, can you please explain why the clocks above the television show Standard Time rather than Daylight Savings Time? Moscow will not be three hours different than London until November 7, 2021. This isn't a pre-March picture that's Photoshopped, is it?
London and Moscow are currently only two hours apart because of Daylight Savings Time. The clocks in the picture the White House tweeted out today show they're three hours apart.
The President is in Camp David with no scheduled events until at least Wednesday. We've heard nothing from the VP. And the White House Spokesperson is "unavailable" through the week. Our government is literally MIA.
To say nothing of the fact that Kamala Harris is NOT in a secure facility if she's not Photoshopped into this national security meeting. And of course, exposing CIA and other assets' locations.
So *best case scenario* they Photoshopped screens on that television from when Biden was there in March. Worst case scenario they had a meeting discussing high-level national security issues with at least some members outside a SCIF. And in either case, they outed assets.
Notice something else pointed out here. The mics are not broadcasting. The President isn't able to say anything to those he's allegedly speaking to.
President Biden promised retaliation for the attack that killed 13 U.S. military members and many more civilians. This is the result. A horrific thread:
The Taliban has gone on to install into government four out of the five prisoners former President Obama released in a deal to free traitor Bowie Bergdahl. SAR missions for Bergdahl resulted in half a dozen U.S. troops killed and more injured.
Meanwhile, after being told repeatedly that we evacuated thousands and thousands of people, we still have Americans trapped there, and most of the Afghan allies to the U.S. never made it out. The Taliban has been hunting them down.
You support vaccine mandates. Cool. The next question to ask then, since obesity is a factor in the vast majority of Covid deaths, do you support government-mandated diet restriction and/or mandatory weight loss programs?
If it's the government's job to mandate your health...
Obesity is a major factor in roughly three quarters of all Covid deaths. Eliminating obesity obviously would not eliminate all related deaths, but simple mathematics would suggest that number would be reduced by a quarter, giving at least similar numbers to vaccinations.
Simple statistics show that eliminating obesity would eliminate hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths (and additional hundreds of thousands of non-Covid obesity-related deaths). Surely this is as compelling an argument for a government mandate as a vaccine.
Seriously, he didn't want to come back from his vacation retreat earlier because he was “still hopeful for his country?”
Does he think the reports of the Taliban taking over are about events in America? Does he see video of Kabul and think it's Cleveland?
Or is he so addlepated that he's not even being told anything other that to go out every once in a while and read a quick script on how we're winning the war, production is up, and rations are doubled?
In January of 2021 our county went from the original COVID-19 strain to suddenly a whole bunch of new strains. Interesting, that date, wouldn't you think?
If you'll remember (and the internet certainly does), we suddenly shifted our testing paradigms. When did that happen, you ask? On January 20, 2021, to be precise. And we saw a drastic downturn in cases and mortality.
But after a couple months, we started seeing cases again. Deaths, not so much, but cases. What are the odds that these are various random coronavirus strains (i.e., the common cold) that have been around for a while, and we suddenly started testing for them after January 20?