Now ‘LGBA’ attack NGOs working for LGBTQI+ asylum-seekers, based on claim that someone can’t find published info about persecution in an *unidentified* country.
Most likely explanation: there *isn’t* reliable info to publish about persecution there.
LGBA hasn’t identified the country or missing reliable material or asked NGOs to publish it.
They haven’t done any work. Instead they are trying to undermining credibility of orgs who do. Orgs whose credibility matters for asylum-seekers they claim to care about.
This isn’t how LG allies behave. Real allies would raise problem directly with the - really hard pressed - NGOs who specialise in working for LG asylum-seekers.
Neither original tweeter nor LGBA says they’ve done this. Instead they tweet criticism that can’t be addressed.
‘Legal feminist’ a group / website led by the junior barrister who represented the unsuccessful claimant hopes there’ll be much more litigation by anti-trans people and trans victims of discrimination 2/
I can see why lawyers hope for litigation. AEA took in around £100K from their supporters for legal fees. (The court was told the junior barrister acted for free in this case - so that went to solicitors and the QC) 2/
1. For consistency, only senior case workers can approve positive asylum decisions. (Juniors don’t need approval to refuse tho!) +
2. Net migration targets meant HO would rather fight very weak cases, because they win a few and can blame the others on judges. (Migration targets dropped but culture unchanged so far.) +
tweeps: there’s a huge gulf between …. the quality of debate & discussion I see on here - and …: the reasoning from many of the paid opinionists in U.K. broadsheet press +
+ I follow liberals, Liberals, leftists, anarchists, Tories, self-described centrists and people I’ve no label for. A few professional opinionists but most have other jobs/pastimes.
I find the quality of thinking (& the honesty about what isn’t known) humbling. +
+ of course there grandstanding and bs and even some bad faith.
But if I log on - I find dozens of thoughtful tweets, often showing an angle or a data point I hadn’t seen. Hundreds of people willing to expose themselves to rebuttal, disagreement… +