Greedy #algorithms can be surprisingly powerful, on top of being very often quite intuitive and natural. (Of course, sometimes their *analysis* can be complicated... but hey, you do the analysis only once, but run the algo forever after!)
Let's have a look at a few examples.
Q1 asked about which problem was *not* (known to) have an efficient, optimal greedy solution.
53.6% of you got it right: Set Cover. Well, one reason is because it's NP-hard, so that doesn't help (greedy or not)...…
... on the other hand, the Greedy algo for Set Cover does achieve a (log n)-approximation ratio, which is... something? Also, something optimal, assuming P≠NP. So, even then: not so bad!
📝… (PDF)
As for the others: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) can... 4/
... be solved by Prim's or Kruskal's algorithms (both greedy), and Shortest Path (non-negative weights!) by Dijkstra's algorithm (greedy, too).
OK, let's look at another NP-Hard problem: Vertex Cover. "Given a graph G, gimme a small set of vertices covering every edge of G." 5/
19.6% of you answered Q2 correctly: that simple greedy algorithm doesn't solve VC exactly (hey, it's NP-Hard! 🧐), and does not provide a constant-factor approximation... bummer.
But it still provides a Θ(log n)-approx ratio. Not bad, still! And...
... moreover, there *is* a 2-approximation possible via a greedy algorithm! (and no <1.36-approx unless P=NP).
Using a different greedy algo: one for maximal matching. But it counts! It's greedy! It's simple!
At this point, I should have convinced that greed is good (if you weren't already).
But let's look at our 3rd question: Knapsack! Also NP-Hard, so it'll be about finding a "good enough" (approximation) solution.
BTW, I'd like to understand what's a knapsack (vs. backpack).
So, the greedy algo for Knapsack (very natural: pick according to the ratio value-to-weight) can be arbitrarily bad, as 35.1% of you answered: ω(1)-approx. (Like, Ω(n)-bad 🤯).
... there is a very, very simple fix to get a 2-approx! Just use the same Greedy algo. Just do it.
Then, at the end, return the best of TWO solutions: (1) what the Greedy algo returned, and (2) one item, "k+1,", the first Greedy refused to pick.
That's all. That's it.
There is a lot of work on greedy algos, including understanding under which set of conditions they always lead to optimal solutions: matroid structures, etc.
Definitely worth looking into, if you're interested!
Also, many mentions (and an entire chapter) in Shmoys–Williamson's (excellent) book on approximation #algorithms:
(the website provides a free PDF version!)
To conclude, I'll leave you with this open-ended Q, and the v. good answers *you* have provided to it: EM, Lloyd-max, Stable Marriage, Huffman coding, Kosaraju’s algo for strongly connected components, policy iteration, & more!
Let's start with a PSA: print this. Hang it on the wall near your desk. Make it a t-shirt and wear it to work.…
It is the single most useful list of inequalities I have ever encountered, and it's a goddamn treasure. (Even if you only ever use a subset!) 2/
Alright, here we go: the union🧅 bound! It's simple, it's effective, and it works. As 76% of you correctly answered, it comes w/ no strings attached: no independence assumptions, no nothing!
(From "Experimentation in Mathematics: Computational Paths to Discovery," Borwein, Bailey, and Girgensohn, 2004)
Answered in the affirmative in 2005 by Ravi B. Boppana (and made available in 2020 on
Simpler proofs? Better bounds? Variations? Also, that book contains a lot of cool stuff.
The proof is really nice. You can divide the series in two sums: those over the "tame" numbers (for which sin n is significantly far from 1, roughly sin n < 1-1/√n), and the "wild" ones (damn, sin n ≈ 1).
The sum over tame numbers then easily converges, as ∑(1-1/√n)ⁿ does..
📊 Friday here, Thursday there, time for a quiz! The wait is over: now, we weigh. ⚖️
You've been given n indistinguishable (to the eye) potatoes. It is very important to you that they all are identical, and in particular all have the same weight.
Do they though?
Your urgent and all-important task is thus to check whether all n 🥔 have the same exact weight, or if you've been cheated by the potatomonger: their weights, on average, significant depart from identical (average 🥔 weight).
Now, how does one do that?
Absent any fancy measuring device, your first approach is quite natural: throw all 🥔s with equal strength, see which one goes the farthest (and repeat). It's very tiring, but it lets you sample a 🥔 based on its weight.
By seeing where the chips have fallen, if you will.
My first foray into shuffle #privacy, spearheaded by my impressive winter research intern Hongyi Lyu (maths undergrad @UniMelb), who managed to learn about DP+shuffle DP+distribution testing, all this in ~6 weeks!
We also use the recent amplification theorem of @vitalyFM, McMillan, and @_kunal_talwar_ (local privacy to shuffle privacy) to provide an alternative algo:
Pitch: understanding universal consistency of the k-NN classifier under Wasserstein distances!
In more detail: A binary classifier g(Dₙ) trained on dataset Dₙ is universally consistent (UC) if the error proba Pₓ,ᵧ(g(Dₙ)(X)≠Y|Dₙ) converges to the Bayes risk as n→∞, regardless of the joint distribution of X and Y. This paper studies the universal consistency...
... of the k-NN classifier on spaces of proba measures under p-Wasserstein distance. From studying geometric properties of Wasserstein spaces, we show that the k-NN classifier is (1) UC for any p≥1 on the space of measures finitely supported in ℚᵈ with rational masses...
Note that this is true for only two r.v.'s: if X~X' and Y~Y'
whenever 𝔼[X+Y] is defined (regardless of whether 𝔼[X] and 𝔼[Y] are defined). (cf. below from G. Simons (1977)).
Turns out, this fails for 3 r.v.'s (same paper by Simons, and Counterexample 6.1 in Stoyanov's book).
Sometimes 𝔼[X+Y+Z], 𝔼[X'+Y'+Z'] both exist, yet 𝔼[X+Y+Z]≠𝔼[X'+Y'+Z'].
(Again, for 2 r.v.'s the result holds: if 𝔼[X+Y], 𝔼[X'+Y'] both exist, then 𝔼[X+Y]=𝔼[X'+Y'].)