I’m starting on the gyn surgery service and I had the opportunity to scrub with a Black female attending. During my 8 weeks on surgery, I only worked with one Black physician and it was the amazing Dr. Elegbede during an overnight shift.
I say that to just emphasize that representation matterssssss!!!! Even for someone like me that’s already in medical school. I grew up not seeing doctors that look like me. I attended med school classes where the professors didn’t look me.
And now I’m seeing first hand the discrepancy of Black physicians in “competitive” specialities. Students are watching this. We still need motivation that hey that dope Black doc did it and so can I.
8 weeks ago, I started my M3 year off on my general surgery rotation. I was able to work on Colorectal and Plastics services. It’s crazy for me to admit but I enjoyed my time the OR way more than I expected 😱 lolz.
The patients I got to work with really filled my cup! I was reminded numerous times why me, as a Black female, is needed in this field.
The feedback I received from my residents and attendings made me feel like ok I’m actually doing something right and I belong here. Imposter syndrome is very real.