See table 17. Note that the TOTAL of 2 dose deaths is now 236. 14 occurred before on unkown dates before the 1st July. But we know since then, 222 have passed that were double vaccinated.
P.S. Ignore the unvaccinated total- this is PHS misdirection. Those deaths were before 💉💉
You CANNOT compare unvaccinated deaths v vaccinated deaths from 29th December 2020 - 29th March 2021 because we weren’t double-dosing cuunts until late March!!!
Those 3000 unvaxxed deaths were BJ💉
See the pattern yet, you dumb fcuk DD?
Mainstream press now having to report these numbers .....
🚨🚨The most powerful moment of the entire Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry remains the testimony given by Shelagh McCall on behalf of Bereaved Relatives Group SKYE….
State sanctioned murder
Please watch and share🙏
The Human Rights Act
Article 2: Right to life
This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life