If you’re pretending the blame for the ongoing disaster of COVID in 🇺🇸 is Biden’s doing, I have a thread just for you. I have multiple actually but here’s the first one (in which I predicted his response would go down as one of the worst ever & would be the end of his Presidency)
Here’s another on how the @GOP has continued Trump’s GALACTICALLY CATASTROPHIC strategy of lie, deny, blame, spread disinformation, discourage/outright ban protective mandates & actively MAXIMIZE deaths which are now preventable with a free vaccine
If you are claiming “Biden must go” or “should be impeached” because Trump sold us out to the Taliban and we’re just now seeing the fallout from it, here’s what impeachable offenses actually look like—not a single one of which prompted a Republican to call for his removal.
If you’re so ignorant, uninformed, deluded, or amnemonic to think what’s going on in Afghanistan is Biden’s fault, I have a video for you. Trump sold the Afghanistan people out to the Taliban just like he sold the Kurds out in Syria. #TalibanTrump
If you’re still claiming we don’t have enough evidence yet to successfully prosecute and convict Trump, his family members (except @MaryLTrump), and his @GOP co-conspirators for January 6th’s terrorist attack beyond a reasonable doubt, this thread is for you: #HoldThemAccountable
Thread on the psychological profiles of anti-vaxxers that provides insight into ways we might formulate strategies/campaigns to combat @GOP disinformation and reach the seemingly unreachable.
Most recent thread on the @GOP’s continuing refusal to implement common sense public health and safety measures to protect their constituents and have even gone so far as to attempt to ban mask mandates for schools & businesses and vaccine mandates for workers, even in healthcare
Thread on how the anti-science attitudes of @GOP leaders have converged with their disinformation campaign to capitalize on the gullibility/misconception among millions that they can choose whether or not to believe in science/vaccines and that masks “infringe on their freedom.”
Thread on the failure of our healthcare facilities (including hospitals, clinics, doctors offices, and nationwide pharmacy chains) to keep us safe and the most common cognitive/psychological biases that we are susceptible to, which make us utterly terrible at calculating risk:
Thread on the danger that Q-Anon poses as it traffics in lies and hateful conspiracy theories and has been linked to dozens of domestic terrorist attacks; particularly now that they have congressional representation in the form of the abomination @RepMTG.
Thread on the ignominious bottomless pit of disgrace that is traitor and seditionist @tedcruz, who is not eligible to continue holding public office due to his role in inciting the Jan 6th insurrection:
Thread on qualified immunity; which allows police officers to continually commit crimes and murder people of color with impunity and the need to eliminate it as a critical component of police reform:
Thread on the racist history of the filibuster & how it is a relic of the Confederacy & Jim Crow era that must be abolished in order for democracy to prevail & legislation to expand equality, combat climate change, expand voting rights, end mass shootings etc. finally be passed.
Thread on how far back Trump was calling for and threatening his January 6th insurrection. This cannot be overlooked and must be included in Democrats’ investigation as well as presented as evidence of premeditation and intent to cause harm on his part:
Thread on how Trump can (and MUST) still be prosecuted and convicted as an ex-President. I realize he was already “acquitted” by the @senateGOP. I am still calling for this because his acquittal was a sham; his guilt was undeniable; and he must be barred from running ever again.
Thread listing every @GOP senator who “acquitted” Trump of inciting the 1/6 insurrection that HE IS LITERALLY ON TAPE INCITING and which not only killed 9 people including 4 cops but threatened the lives of every single one of these feckless traitors who are unfit to hold office:
Thread on how impeaching/removing Trump will not further divide the U.S. and how him being banned from Twitter is not a 1st Amendment violation. Again, the 1st part is still relevant because Republicans are going to argue that holding him accountable will further divide us (NOPE)
Thread on why I quit my job in healthcare last week; the most important things I learned there; and what I believe everyone should keep in mind when interacting with those who continue to work in an utterly exasperated, underpaid, understaffed, & underappreciated industry:
The entire ‘abortion debate’ is not about life. No one is “pro-abortion” & most people who call themselves “pro-life” are fine with mass shootings, the death penalty, & lack of mandates for masks/vaccines even after 650K COVID deaths. It’s about women’s rights to bodily autonomy.
I’m sick of this debate being falsely framed as “pro-life” vs “pro-choice.” It’s pro-women’s fundamental rights vs. anti-women’s fundamental rights. When a zygote technically qualifies as a person isn’t relevant; we don’t force people to donate blood or organs to save others.
Why should we have more of a right to make decisions over our own blood, organs, & bone marrow than women do over their uterus after WE impregnate them? Abortion bans don’t even stop abortions; they just increase the likelihood that the women DIE during labor. That’s not pro-life
Justice Sotomayor’s dissent on Texas’ monstrous new abortion ban that flouts all judicial precedent and is flagrantly unconstitutional is
🔥 🔥 🔥 and places her on the record as denouncing this malicious and grotesque injustice in a way that solidifies her advocacy for women.
“The Court’s order is stunning. Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights & evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of Justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand.”
“Last night, the Court silently acquiesced in a State’s enactment of a law that flouts nearly 50 years of federal precedents. Today, the Court belatedly explains that it declined to grant relief because of procedural complexities of the State’s own invention.”
What we’ve been watching unfold with the @GOP-crime syndicate operating in broad daylight while media outlets pretend we still have two normally functioning political parties IS A FIVE ALARM FIRE for America and represents the biggest threat this nation has ever faced.
🚨 I am not being hyperbolic. We’ve been sounding this alarm FOR YEARS with seemingly NO ONE in any position of authority taking it seriously. EVERY MINUTE that passes without any shred of accountability for this party of criminals, terrorists, & traitors further endangers us all
I understand Biden entered the WH with a MULTITUDE of overlapping crises to address. And I understand his impulse to prioritize vaccines and COVID relief above all else. But we are seeing now the futility of this because the @GOP literally WANTS COVID cases to continue to spike.
The magnitude of delirium/malignant narcissism required to:
—Take credit for an economy you inherited, but blame your total collapse of on your successor
—Take credit for “ending the war in Afghanistan,” but blame the fallout from the terms you negotiated on your successor
—Take credit for a vaccine you had nothing to do with but “no responsibility at all” for the hundreds of thousands who died because of your pandemic response
—Take credit for “building a wall” that was never built while blaming a non-existent “border crisis” on your successor
—Take credit for “eradicating ISIS” yet blame your successor when they attack and kill our troops in Kabul
—Take credit for lack of early case #’s (due to lack of testing) by “taking early action in restricting travel to/from China,” then blaming China when case numbers exploded
To people claiming we “only oppose _______ because we hate Trump”
1. Our hatred of Trump is not something we are ashamed of. He EARNED it by being a loathsome racist traitor who told over 30K lies; CAGED INFANTS; TRAUMATIZED AMERICA; & KILLED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of us.
2. But this does NOT determine if we oppose/support things. We have this ability to actually separate our justified contempt for the psychopathic criminal that used to occupy the WH and still come to rational objective conclusions like taking sheep dewormer for COVID is moronic.
3. This was Trump’s ultimate gaslight (lie); which was that if you disagreed with him on something, it was because you must “hate him” or be biased in some way. His supporters (literal cultists) even coined the term “Trump Derangement Syndrome” to dismiss our concerns as biased.
The Republican Party and conservative leaders throughout the world have made “vaccine resistance/hesitancy” one of the top 10 threats TO GLOBAL HEALTH. This is a NATIONAL AND GLOBAL EMERGENCY and I’m going to tell you EXACTLY how we got here (Thread) nytimes.com/video/opinion/…
Trump began what would become the @GOP strategy back in Jan of 2020, when he downplayed the threat of the pandemic, lied to the American people about the risks, and continued to golf and hold rallies. I list everything Trump (deliberately) did wrong here:
Trump and the @GOP’s botching & deliberate sabotage of our pandemic response was a CONSCIOUS CHOICE. They CHOSE to politicize a ONCE IN A CENTURY PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS and capitalize on the sizable segment of our population that is susceptible to disinformation for political gain.