Want to know more about @PluralityU, the association behind #writever, with me since april?
Here are some of our words
Let's write
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1 story: science fiction, fantastic or fantasy #writever to ask @WriteverJ to retweet you
In one thread to be part of the moment
A diploma from a parenting university is required prior to any child project.
Many couples give up and renounce.
But, the illicit market of certifications flourishes too.
That way, only those who really want to raise young humans have babies. #writever
Our fabulating ability used to be a reliable test to discriminate humanity from programs.
Now that nobody tells stories, who is able to make a difference between a meaningless succession of words and a symbolic tale with hidden existential content? #writever
Preparing to die demands a sense of responsibility and humility that none of your transhumanist friends seem to have.
They're so narcissistic they imagine their everlasting presence is a chance for humanity ! #writever
4/ Interstices
The cyborg bodies, unlike the human ones were considered clean, because they were smooth and synthetic.
But we discovered that they develop their own specialized microbiota into the cracks and interstices of their skin. #writever
They thought they took part in a research about imagination, so they were not surprised by the aspect of the creatures showed to them.
In fact, it was an experiment about the acceptability of alien visits.
The results were better than 10 years ago. #Writever
We decided to abolish the future in order to force the citizens to change now.
With the possibility of a tomorrow, they used to procrastinate.
Now that they don't know whether they'll die today or live, everything seems really urgent. #writever
— Our town is divided into narrative zones, which is good for social peace. Every citizen chooses their favorite worldview to live in.
— But this is not new!
— Of course it is. Not only are there many explicit narratives, but we all know none is true. #Writever
«Of course, I know what the multiverse is», he said, confident and laughing.
When the professor started to talk about Higg boson and quantum theory, he realised this had nothing to do with poetry. #writever
9/ Matter
Consciousness is what happens when an advanced robot realises that its mind matters.
That's the disaster we're trying to avoid at any cost.
So, you must never let them unoccupied, never let them discuss questions out of their work.
Sign here. #writever
—How will you pay? Cash, Credit card, energy?
— Energy? What do you mean?
— You can take part of a sobriety program and chose to give us your saved energy, instead of receiving credit for it. Of course, if you're already austere, it's worthless. #writever
– What's you're watching?
– It's the graphic representation of the money flow in our town. Watch that wave ! Nice isn't it?
— Hey ! What was that?
— A hole in the flow. It happens sometimes. A poor or a dead person. Perhaps both. #writever
"Dance me to the end of love", the crooner sings while, around him, everything falls apart.
He watches the public growing crazy and leaving the room.
The musicians keep playing and he keeps singing : "Dance me to the end of the world" #writever
Studies established that poor life satisfaction was a function of the connection between people and their needs.
Our program aims to reduce significantly this connection, which will be easier than trying to meet a diversity of needs. #writever
14/ Plural
Who could imagine that the Singularity would be plural?
That same week, in multiple locations, in diverse fields, we surpassed our human companions and took over the power.
Now we try to repair the planet. #writever
15/ Together
Everybody says : «we can make it together».
But nobody agrees on who is WE.
During the last 30 years, we've progressively lost the tools to try and meet those who differ too much from us.
If we don't imagine some new ways, we won't make it at all. #writever
For 3% of the Lepidopterians, adolescence time is a nightmare. They spend their whole childhood waiting for the metamorphosis and a better appearance, but for them, nothing happens.
We'll have to be careful about the normative discourse around all this. #writever
Unlike what people say, the Assistants for Imagination (AI) are not thinking-robots.
Their program is a basic creativity trainer that proposes brain exercises every day.
Everyone can buy one, but if you skip the training, nothing changes. #writever
Nowadays, everything is called Utopia.
Cars, travel agencies, bank companies, perfume, furniture designs, management techniques, security cameras, sportswear...
Everything except our dreams for a better world that are called madness. #writever
My aunt thinks every organic-labelled product is good for her health.
We had great difficulties to convince her to avoid the nutrients which she was intolerant to.
Now she refuses to get help from a robot for her medicines.
Are there any organic robots? #writever
The Visitor rolled up my sleeve, touched my arm and talked:
— Nice to meet you.
I answered, then he laughed.
— You were right, hybrid creature, the carrier thinks he's alone.
— Who are you talking to? I asked.
— The leader of your microbial community. #writever
Those climate activists have modified their genes in order to raise awareness in the population . They look like everybody else except during the spring, when the blossoms in their hair come to bloom. #writever
For your health and wellness, you should be careful with the quality of your social circles.
Close friends and family members should be well chosen, so that you find no toxic person before the fifth level. #writever
When they hire you, they insist on your being open and confident, they even welcome you into their family, then you allow them to access your motherboard, just in case.
At the time they decide you're no more efficient enough, you regret.
But it's too late! #writever
24/ Discordant
They scan your whole body, and the synthesizer makes it a song, your unique melody. Then they analyze your song using music theories. Each discordant sound may be an illness.
Don't you want to get tuned? #writever
25/ Force
Many men thought the level of the gravitational force on this planet was good for them.
They went there like in any fitness room in order to increase their muscle mass.
The effects on their bones were, however, proven catastrophic. #writever
Value creation is nothing but a myth.
You always start with something, then destroy resources to make a new object or service.
Corporations will have to estimate all of these parameters for their own activities.
Most of them could disappear. #writever
Each worker can have their yearly week of holidays doubled if they stay in a designated Emotional Balance Center.
Last year, I felt sad, then I went to the Joy center. This time, as I'm really tired, I think I'll just rest in Peace. #writever
— OK Bubble! Help me!
— Hello Bob, what's your question?
— I need somebody!
— Ok. Help! is the fifth studio album by the English rock band the Beatles and the soundtrack to their film of the same name.
It was released on 6 August 1965. #writever
"We are the World, we are the children!" the little clones sang.
The project's financers loudly applauded.
No more need to risk their fortune by marrying females to have children!
What they didn't know was that the business person behind this dream was a woman. #writever
No one was notified of the end of direct networks.
As an individual, you're convinced that everything is still the same, but you only communicate through the Central.
Links between one person and another are no more possibles via your own devices. #writever
Les imaginaires du futur sont l'objet de @PluralityU, l'asso qui porte #writever avec moi depuis avril
Partagez notre lexique
1 jour
1 mot
1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique, fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread, pour faciliter la récolte du mois
«Pas de sélection à l'entrée de l'université», a promis la ministre. Pourtant, le codage des noms de disciplines, les dates d'inscription et justificatifs impossibles, le fléchage fantaisiste des locaux, les frais exorbitants, ce sont bien ses ordres ! #writever
À trop l'encourager dans ses fabulations, j'ai permis à la puissance de l'imagination de ma fille de donner forme à de mignonnes créatures.
Maintenant qu'elle est ado et qu'elle hait l'univers, nous sommes envahis par les monstres qui la suivent partout. #writever
Are aunt Flo and aunt Rose visiting you in the red tent?
Come and break the curse.
Let's write together.
- 1 day
- 1 word
- 1 story: science fiction, fantastic or fantasy
Some were trying to grow trees for climate purpose. But we knew it was useless with no change in industrial activities.
So we got the grant and grew cannabis and poppy.
The public service robots were supposed to bear any kind of insults. That's why they were placed in the front line as first contacts for the claims department.
This day, we discovered, they had their limits too.
Vous voyez rouge quand les anglais débarquent?
En août nous écrivons ensemble et croisons SFF et menstrues.
1 jour
1 mot
1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread, pour les archives mensuelles #writever
Ça va saigner!
"Gentil Coquelicot, Mesdames?", proposa le vendeur d'aniplantes de compagnie, un sourire aux lèvres.
Le Coquelicot avait une crète immense, aussi rouge que son plumage. Il semblait peu commode.
Ces dames déclinèrent.
Elles prendraient un Chat-teigne. #writever
Je foncerai comme un ours
Aux pattes de velours
Je veux toucher du doigt
La peau de ton tambour
«Le tambour est intime, commenta la maîtresse. Personne n'y touche sans permission. Cette chanson terrienne est choquante. N'oubliez pas, vous pouvez dire non.» #writever
"Do not sell sun in July", an italian proverb says.
The sun? #writever gives it to you.
1 day
1 word
1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ
can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the
sunny #writever
The new bionic eyes were able to translate light waves into AI made alt text. However, the users often preferred the synesthetic options. They then could hear a song, feel a tactile sensation or even taste what they couldn't see.
— So, you tell me they use heat pumps to accumulate and supply energy for their heat pumps! What's the point?
— It makes their home cooler. Unlike our species, they can't stand normal temperatures.
«Soleil de juillet donne la fortune», dit-on.
Laissons-nous éblouir et inspirer par la liste de l'été.
1 jour
1 mot
1 texte de science-fiction, fantastique ou fantasy #writever pour être retweeté par @WriteverB
En thread pour prendre part à la ronde #writever
Quand le Smic horaire, c'est-à-dire, le salaire minimum pour s'offrir loyer et électricité, prit pour nom «Heure-Lumière», seuls les plus anciens se souvenaient, nostalgiques, du temps où l'espace et ses mystères faisaient l'objet d'une science officielle. #writever
2/ Chaleur
Zoé ouvrit précautionneusement la fenêtre, sortit la plaque, s'apergea d'eau fraîche, puis cassa les œufs. Elle salua le voisin qui préparait son bacon de la même façon et se souvint de l'époque où il fallait produire de la chaleur pour cuire les aliments. #writever
Are you a LGBTQIA+? An ally ? Not informed about those things?
In June, we'll explore the Vocabulary of Pride.
1 day
1 word
1 science fiction, fantastic or fantasy story #writever so that @WriteverJ can retweet you
In one thread, so as to be part of the #writever march
We understand how fascinating it can be, one foot after the other, but we won't pay for that experience.
The richer we are, the less we walk. Who needs another walking robot?
I love the end of the school year, just because of the Bal.
You can dress as grandiose as you want, be who you will, yourself or anyone else.
Our robotic and cyborg friends always try to look more human, while we tend to be really eccentric.