Girls Like Us provides support to single moms (including a lavish gift bag while she's in the hospital for delivery 🛍) and support for healing after abortion.
One By One Ministries is a mom mentoring ministry. New moms are paired with a mentor to offer a safe place for questions on parenting or other life skills.
Currently in TN, MS & TX. You can bring this ministry to your church.
There are other orgs and state programs that have similar goals. You can support the charities and/or encourage your state reps to invest in these programs.
Let them Live is an amazing organization that you can support through Twitter. They offer direct financial and material aid to families in need. @letthemliveorg
Human Defense Initiative can be conveniently supported here on Twitter. They offer direct support to families in need and often have registries you can contribute to so we can meet their needs. @HumanDefenseINI
The Women's Health Protection Act proposed by Senator Blumenthal overrides all state laws to enshrine unrestricted abortion access across the nation prior to viability, and generously post viability. Please contact your senator.
It begins with the lie that women's reproductive systems prohibit us from fully participating in economic & social life. Rather than accommodate our biology in these spaces, their "solution" is to expect us to sacrifice our children to bring our biology more in line with men's.
1) A human being is ALWAYS a human being. That's not controversial. What you're describing is "personhood", which applies subjective standards (these vary significantly) a human must meet before attaining protection of their human rights.
@Hope60833958@c0norfarrell@leapsaw@covesa@LifeGaveyuLEMON Often, as with abortion, personhood is defined to exclude a subgroup of humans those in power find less valuable in exchange for a personal benefit gained by that groups oppression.
@Hope60833958@c0norfarrell@leapsaw@covesa@LifeGaveyuLEMON 2) It is not true that pro-life advocates stop caring about the mother or child after the child's birth. We support a variety of methods of support. As we're not a monolithic group (we agree on protecting humans before birth from harm, but vary widely on other isses),