WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN SPAIN THIS SUMMER?? In this thread I will use official sources and try to make sense of Covid in Spain in the summer of 2021. We look at the "5th wave" and the "Wave of the Youth" - all myths propagated by media - as well as the injection programme.
Spain previously suffered quite a bit from Covid, but only in specific periods and in certain regions. It seems that the different climates in the Spanish regions led to localized outbreaks at different times, but of similar duration. momo.isciii.es/public/momo/da…
Observe how most regions had one big wave of excess mortality, then nothing since, while some have 2 (those who got the small one first)
Several regions have no excess death at all. The point is, all this behaviour is predictable, not unexpected and totally natural.
And you can see how many regions have NOT had a #covid problem for more than a year. Still, restrictions and masks remained. So, you will ask, why are we talking about a "fifth wave"?
Well, because the Spanish are surfers and love waves?
No, but the problem is, when we lay all regional curves on top of each other, we get this artefact. You see? The Spanish curve is an illusion. You can't merge different regions. But government+media used each wave to scare the WHOLE COUNTRY. So simple - and so effective.
So, ufff - the "fifth wave" - are you still listening? Look at the news here:
"The Delta wave - the young wave?" "20% of the youth will have long Covid" "Ministry fearing a 6th (!) wave because of street partying"
Is this true? Is there a fifth wave, and is it the fault of the party-goers? Let's investigate. First, we have more cases but how many tests? What's the positivity rate? See below for the wave of "cases". That was quite a peak!
But cases depend on the number of tests. If we have the number of tests we can determine the positivity rate. Strange, stats end on 26th Aug - because #spain no longer published the number of tests after that. Getting suspicious?
@plaforscience managed to calculate the number of tests himself from hard-to-access official data, and found that the number of cases follows the number of tests EXACTLY.
Which means positivity is roughly the same across age groups, and the YOUTH WAVE was created by... you guessed it, TESTING KIDS LIKE CRAZY - that's all there is to it.
So the YOUTH WAVE is... a lie. Kids partied the summer away, finally took off their masks, and nothing happened.
As for the 5th wave, and the small resurgence of Covid deaths - what happened there? It is true that Spain has had excess deaths overall, and more than last year, as @chgefaell points out...
For the world's most vaccinated country, this is not a good look. @chgefaell also makes the important observation that the vast majority of excess deaths are not attributed to #covid. So what are they?
Actually even those attributed to #covid could very easily be misattributed. @plaforscience explains that within 90 (!) days of a positive test, you are counted as a Covid death in Spain.
This means that clearly, a much larger percentage of excess death is NOT #covid. Below, also note the age distribution of excess deaths. It is unchanged from last year. Another dent into the "youth wave" theory.
So, what happened this summer? With regard to #covid, NADA. Not much at all. The "Youth Wave" is a fantasy. An invention. And most of the "covid" deaths probably wasn't covid at all.
But what about the excess death? What are these people dying from? FEWER people should be dying. We're in the second year and in the middle of summer. And death among the elderly should be much less, after the disastrous last year. (reverse dry tinder).
Could it be the heat? Spain has a system for this. momo.isciii.es/momotemp/#sect… The table below shows the probability of death due to heat per region, with high percentages in several regions.
And yes, it's been a hot summer. But so much hotter than last year? I think not. Our big question remains unanswered. Why is there so much excess death in the most injected country in the world, when only a small part is covid - possibly almost nothing at all.
Could it be that a year of mask wearing and isolation are taking their toll? We'll keep investigating. Please share this update widely and leave your comments and questions below!
I'm adding this simple graphic to illustrate how incidence rate depends solely on testing. You can make any age group out to be irresponsible by testing them like crazy. Thanks @plaforscience
So BILL GATES has written up a long piece about what he thinks happened last year and where we go from here. Let's give the man a few minutes of our time, shall we? No? No worries, because I read it for you. Please follow for my comments. gatesnotes.com/About-Bill-Gat… 1/
Here Bill tells us how strange this year has been for him without much face-to-face interaction. He only re-started his social life "once he got vaccinated".
"Tackling big problems requires people working together across borders and sectors."
While everyone is still mask crazy and they're implementing Covid passes just to please their European neighbours, the reality is that Covid in Spain is over, and has been since end of September. 0.6 deaths per million people.
If we now look at the excess mortality we can see that the excess is really quite significant - but it ain't covid. Taking a false positive rate in PCR tests of 1-2%, the "covid deaths" that have been registered might easily be just a result of this excess death.
The problem we have is not Covid, but why are more people dying than last year? There should be an enormous death deficit after the huge wave last year which did away, tragically, with a lot of older people.
There isn't. And Covid ain't the culprit. So what is it?
Most Spanish regions are now introducing covid passports, after salivating about them for many months.
Surely there must be a new covid crisis?
Let us find out, region by region. Please follow...
You may remember my summer report, in which I explained why Spain's "4 waves" are fake, an artifact of overlaying regional curves, from regions with very different seasonal climate characteristics.
These waxines are great. They will protect you from getting infected, they will make sure you cannot die from Covid, and most importantly they will protect your loved ones, too. It is a two-shot regime and the side effects are very rare. Protection is long-lasting.
Except, this is not true. The above was the original sales pitch in early 2021.
However, the fact that this miracle drug never was does not mean that the actual product is totally useless and that no-one should take it.
The problem is that they keep repeating the same nonsense.
Let me try to put a more realistic product brief together. This is useful so you could, in theory, take your own decision on whether you want to use this product. (If it were REALLY up to you!)
Please follow.
I'm not particularly religious as such but I'm a God-fearing man because I don't want to get into any trouble and I don't see any downside to it.
Something has got me thinking about how the church of covid has replaced traditional faith.. 1/
and perhaps the lack of it in our modern society is a big problem in the epidemic context.
Young people are now trading their chances of bad covid, which are predictable and depend on how you've looked after yourself and on luck (fate?) for a roll of the dice..
.. of heart disease and other unforeseeable effects of a product which is made by people who earn money doing so.
It seems to me that my conscience would be clearer entering the first game, to a certain degree determined by circumstance and nature's will, than the second one.