#idboardreview 50 M on chronic daily steroids; recent trip to Mexico are daily beef tacos & queso fresco now presents w/ diarrhea, fever, chills. Ct+ enteritis, BC GNR. Dx? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
Approx 5% of pts w/ GI illness by nontyphoidal #Salmonella will develop bacteremia, serious/potentially fatal problem. more likely to occur in immunologically compromised & these hosts are also more likely to develop focal infection.
#Salmonella especially problematic in a wide variety of immunocompromised individuals, including (but not limited to) patients with malignancy, human immunodeficiency virus, or diabetes, and those receiving corticosteroid therapy or treatment with other immunotherapy agents
No therapy is indicated for uncomplicated #salmonella gastroenteritis as it prolongs carriage
For severe infections, endovascular, focal infections meningitis, arthritis, abscess, or severe enteritis in immunocompromised host or bacteremia: Ceftriaxone or FQ should be used #salmonella
#idboardreview 60 F recent travel to Cairns, Australia, had multiple🦟 bites, 1wk later fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia & arthralgia of hands, wrists, feet & ankles. +itchy papular rash on her face, neck and trunk.Dx? #meded#idmeded#IDTwitter
#Burkholderia#cepacia is type species of genus Burkholderia & ubiquitous MDR, motile, non–glucose-fermenting, gram-negative organism found in water & soil. Major pathogen in cystic fibrosis & opportunistic pathogen in pts w/ indwelling medical devices & immunosuppression
#idboardreview 60 M 6 months post heart transplant on atovaquone px presents w/ cough, dyspneax10d. CT b/l nodules w/ cavities, l leg mass aspirated. Dx? #meded#idmeded#IDTwitter
#idboardreview Pt w/ LE venous insufficiency found in his camper unconscious and covered in feces and maggots: septic shock, wbc 35k, Cr 6, blood culture w/ gram negative non-motile bacteria. Dx? #meded#idmeded#idtwitter
#Wohlfahrtiimonas#chitiniclastica was first identified in culture from the third-stage larvae of Wohlfahrtia magnifica flies which are known to cause myiasis, commonly in sheep and cattle
#idboardreview 50 M Texan welder w/ diarrhea, cough, dyspnea x2d, presented to ED, sepsis and rapid progression to resp fail & death <8hrs after presentation. CT necrotizing pneumonia. +GPR #idtwitter#meded#idmeded