Has anyone ever considered genetically engineering SARS-CoV-2 to make it super-transmissible but harmless, while still having enough epitopes in common with the natural strains to confer immunity against them? It would effectively be a transmissible vaccine.
To be clear, I doubt we'd actually know how to make it super-transmissible and I can think of many reasons why this could backfire even if we did, it's just a random thought I had so I tweeted it, like I do with most of my random thoughts 🤷♂️
Looking forward to having my name in history books for having inspired the program that killed half of mankind by creating a super-transmissible virus that almost immediately mutated to also become super-virulent.
Judging from the reactions, you guys are really close-minded. Sure, it would probably backfire and kill everyone, but have you considered how cool it would be? Smh.
Luckily the next generation seems more open-minded.
Milley's actions, which objectively border on treason, are cast in a heroic light in this piece, but this passage is pretty revealing about the kind of things he and his friends were *really* afraid of, even though I have no doubt they believe their own bullshit.
From day 1, the military has railroaded Trump into doing the opposite of what he'd pledged to do (greatly helped in that by Trump's own incompetence), effectively subverting the democratic will, but we're supposed to believe they're democracy's saviors 🙃 axios.com/off-the-rails-…
Every time Trump tried to withdraw using the normal channels, they have managed to railroad him (which again is partly Trump's fault but has happened to every other president so it's not just his incompetence), but Milley is shocked when Trump tries to do it behind his back 😂
C'est encore pire que ça : non seulement cette affaire n'entraînera aucune conséquence négative pour Coulmont et Simon, mais vous pouvez être certain que la même chose ne sera pas vraie pour Mignot, qui sera à coup sûr ostracisé par ses collègues. C'est effectivement révoltant.
Cette histoire illustre parfaitement un phénomène très courant dans la recherche : il y a plein de gens dont tout le monde sait pertinemment qu'ils sont intellectuellement malhonnêtes, mais leurs collègues ne disent rien parce que faire des vagues est mauvais pour leur carrière.
C'est d'ailleurs la même chose quand je traite les épidémiologistes de l'Inserm et de l'Institut Pasteur d'escrocs parce qu'ils ne publient pas leur code et qu'ils pondent des trucs dont ils savent très bien qu'ils sont complètement pétés : "ça ne se fait pas" me dit-on.
En toute décontraction, nos amis de l'Institut Pasteur sortent de nouvelles projections apocalyptiques, sans même un mot sur le fait que, *comme à chaque fois*, leurs précédentes projections se sont avérées complètement à côté de la plaque 🙃
En fait, non seulement ils n'ont pas un mot pour l'échec de leurs projections du 28 juin, mais le document a manifestement été retiré de l'archive où il avait été déposé... hal-pasteur.archives-ouvertes.fr/pasteur-032726…
Tranquillement, notre grand épidémiologiste prend la réduction de R observée après le confinement et part du principe que l'effet est entièrement causal, alors qu'une réduction similaire a été observée dans plein d'autres endroits sans confinement 🤡
In this post, I explain why people claim that Delta is more than twice as transmissible as the original strain, argue that it doesn't show that and that Delta's transmissibility advantage is probably much smaller. I summarize the main points below 🧵 cspicenter.org/blog/waronscie…
First, I explain what it means when people say that a variant is more transmissible than another, because I think people don't really understand it and you can't interpret the evidence correctly unless you do.
A variant A is more transmissible than a variant B if and only if, *other things being equal*, people infected by A infect more people on average than people infected by B. The "other things being equal" clause is really important here.
Between this kind of hygiene theater and conservative nonsense on vaccines, the late pandemic era offers a remarkable picture of how far people are willing to go in embracing absurd positions to own the outgroup and demonstrate their membership to the ingroup.
What is truly amazing though is that they don't just pretend to hold these views publicly while knowing privately they're nonsense: they genuinely believe them. It's an underappreciated fact of this kind of group dynamic that, like virtue signaling, they produce genuine beliefs.
That feeling when you spent the whole week working on something and you thought that you were done and that you’d be able to chill on Sunday, but when you try running your code to get clean figures, it suddenly no longer works for no apparent reason and your Sunday is ruined.
I’ve tried everything and the exact same code was working fine yesterday, so this is probably a random Rstan bug I won’t be able to solve. If you know how to run a R script and are willing to do it for me, please DM me. You may have to install a few R packages, but that’s it.
I’m pretty sure the code will work on another machine, so I would be extremely grateful if someone could try on his computer and, if it works, save the workspace and send it to me so I can check the results with what I had before and create the figures myself 🙏