A thread with 20+ mid-level to advanced Docker interview questions and answers 🐳
1/ What is a Docker Compose, and why is it useful? 🚢
A. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It's useful for managing complex applications with multiple services, enabling easy orchestration. #Docker #Interview
2/ What is Docker Swarm, & how does it differ from Kubernetes? 🐝
A. Docker Swarm is Docker's native orchestration tool for managing clusters of Docker hosts. Kubernetes is a more robust orchestration system that can manage containers from different providers. #Docker #Interview
A thread with 20+ mid-level to advanced Kubernetes interview questions with concise answers 🚢📷 📷👇
1/ 🚀 Q: What is Kubernetes and why is it essential for container orchestration?
A: Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, ensuring high availability and reliability.
2/ 🛠️ Q: Name the key components of a Kubernetes cluster.
A: A Kubernetes cluster consists of the Master (API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, etcd) and Nodes (where containers run). #Kubernetes #Interview
🧵 How to Start Learning Linux for DevOps Aspirants 🚀🐧
From newbie to pro in no time!
Let’s make Linux your ultimate superpower. 🦸♂️🦸♀️
1/ Start with the Basics 🛠️✨
• Discover Linux distros: Ubuntu 🟣, CentOS 🔵, Red Hat 🔴.
• Set up Linux in a VM (VirtualBox/VMware 💻).
• Get cozy with the terminal – your new BFF! 🖥️👊
1/ What’s the difference? 🤔
All these roles focus on improving software delivery and reliability but have different goals. Here’s a quick breakdown:
2/ Platform Engineer 👷
👉 Goal: Make life easier for developers.
• Build tools & platforms (e.g. CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes)
• Standardize workflows for efficiency
• Create self-service systems so developers can work faster
🛠️ They focus on improving developer productivity.
A List of critical #AWS services and their limitations 👇
1. EC2 – Instance limits by region, instance type restrictions. 2. RDS – Max database storage limits, instance size restrictions. 3. S3 – Max object size is 5TB, bucket policies can limit access. 4. EBS – Volume size max of 64TB, 20,000 IOPS for io1/io2 volumes.
5. IAM – Max 5,000 roles per account, policy size limits. 6. Lambda – Max execution timeout of 15 minutes, memory max 10GB. 7. DynamoDB – Partition throughput limits, item size max of 400KB. 8. CloudFormation – 200 resources limit per stack.