My name is Eric. I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic with ASPD (AntiSocial Personality Disorder). Have you ever had a question about either of these disorders or what it is like to live with them? If so ask me. Let's end the stigma around these very misunderstood disorders.
This post was liked by @MonteJCook and @TonyDiTerlizzi. To explain why I am experiencing nerd nirvana I am running Planescape Tuesday and working on my own #TRPG called Dead Gods.
@MonteJCook@TonyDiTerlizzi To explain why this affects me so we have to go back to 1997. I was 14 and walking into Monty's Used Books in Kansas City. I hope they are doing well. Lord knows I put their kids through college. I was not a huge roleplayer at the time. Sure I played with my Uncle every other -
@MonteJCook@TonyDiTerlizzi 2/week. Some DnD and a lot of Marvel Superheroes. Still have a soft spot for that game. But I wasn't the collector I am now. And then I saw it.
Planescape. The original box set, a couple of the Monstrous Compendiums, and the adventure Dead Gods. The art caught my eye because-