Shih-Chuan Chou and colleagues examine the association between #highdeductible health plans and #EDvisits with low-value imaging in this #HSR @Wiley_Health study. Thread below: (1/7)
WHAT WE KNOW: Health insurers increasingly offer high-deductible insurance products in hopes of improving care value by giving patients “skin in the game.” (2/7)
Past studies showed that high deductibles reduce outpatient medical visits or tests, which are primarily under patient control, such as attending appointments, cancer screening, or ED visits. (3/7)
But less is known about the impact of high deductibles on care decisions during a visit where clinicians and patients both participate in decision making, particularly around expensive tests that often provide little benefit #lowvalueimaging (4/7)
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Authors found that switching from low-deductible to high-deductible plans didn't lower the likelihood of low-value imaging use during an ED visit. (5/7)
However, switching to high-deductible plans did REDUCE the number of ED visits with low-value imaging because of an overall decrease in ED visits for these conditions. (6/7)
1. Increasing patient #financialrisks have a minimal influence on the decision making during ED visits 2. Future studies could test interventions that may promote cost-conscious #decisionmaking among clinicians (7/7)
Lee Revere Ph.D., et. al. evaluate the robustness of the CMS Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) total performance score (TPS) in new #HSR article @wileyhealth Abstract:
@WileyHealth WHAT IS KNOWN: TPS is intended to be capable of differentiating hospital-level quality on an annual basis. Prior research found evidence that highest performing hospitals maintain their status year after year while preventing lower-ranked hospitals from increasing in position
@WileyHealth FINDINGS: Annual TPS is skewed, showing a large gap between top-performing hospitals and all others. Results also show significant movement year to year, with hospitals moving in and out of the top and bottom performance categories disproportionately