Corruption/evil has been trying their hardest to start as many wars as possible to not only distract from the election fraud being uncovered but also for when it's all overturned, there is A "War" happening & FAKE cab then try & say it's all because of DJT ..
All playbooks
Are KNOWN & the gamss evil in this world plays upon the masses minds will no longer work..
Forgiveness means everything, right?
Humanity is at HUMANITIES #CROSS ROADS, Make the right choice ..
Basically everyone who pretty much has been worshiping governemnt & [NEEDS] the government truths for you to be happy, you're all going to get your answers.
There is so much more that everyone is going to be shown that the MANY just can't seem to wrap their minds around because
Of how many false idols, false prophets, infiltraters, haters & ones who distracted all of you from the BIGGER PICTURE because they [NEED] followers/attention..
That something/someone MORE that everyone is going to be shown EXISTS & is alive, was pushed away because of
Him just being himself.. EVERYTHING,The TRUTH has been given to the World, unfortunately the MANY chose their paths of hate, violence & playing A game you were told NOT to play ..
Now, when everyone NEEDS to come forward & pretty much say SORRY so that they can be forgiven
Figuring out yet WHY the entire world is doing what they are?
Both Light & Dark?
Light, because I AM alive & have been awakening everyone EARLY.
Dark, evil is doing everything THEY are to you because I AM alive & helping EVERYONE awaken.
Marbles = A Universes
Universes = Within the Hands of who?
Perspective is everything..
Within this ○<--- Is 1 Universe, seems tiny, right? Too the ones within that Inner Circle, it's YUGE!
Everyone & EVERYTHING is connected ..
🪱 🕳 's connect from Marble too Marble ..
WE ALL have been here before ..
Some remember, some are asleep & unfortunately will stay asleep until they let go of what trapped them where they have been trapped for A Very Very long time ..