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ChatGPT took only 5 days to gain 1M+ people.

Now there are more than 1,000 uses of ChatGPT

Here are 6 cutting-edge ways that will save you hours of boring work:… Image
Quick view of the thread:

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1. Generate creative ideas


"Generate creative 100x effective content Ideas for the LinkedIn carousel


Title: SEO
Ideas into table view list"
Read 9 tweets
1. As promised I m here to share #hamdmade #natural #simple #pocketfriendly n effective receipe for #dishwashingPowder. My search for such a product started when I introduced #earthenware in my kitchen. As we know earthen vessels are... ImageImageImage
2.porous in nature n soap 🧼 used for their cleaning gets into these pores only to be released back while we cook in them at high temperatures. Who would want to have a curry🍛containing soap?😖
When we make a shift to #traditionalcooking utensils...
3. It's very important to switch to #traditionalCleaning methods also.
1. Woodash or cowdung ash (2parts)
2. Washing soda (1 part)
3. Soapnut powder (1 part)
In case, the vessel is too greasy, use hot water along with the above powder. ..... ImageWashing soda Woodash
Read 7 tweets
Continuons notre histoire de Madintec. En #Imoca et en #ultime la majorité du programme est en équipage réduit : solitaire ou double. L'importance du pilote automatique est cruciale pour plusieurs raisons : #autopilot
Thread à dérouler 1/28 ⤵️
1️⃣ Il est impossible pour un être humain d'être concentré en continu
2️⃣ Sur certains nouveaux bateaux la force physique nécessaire pour barrer n'est plus acceptable, il faut un vérin ( ne me demander pas d'exemple 😁)
2/28 ⤵️
3️⃣ Les voiliers vont de plus en plus vite, la finesse de l'angle de barre nécessaire s'approche du dixième de degré opération quasiment impossible pour un être humain
Le skipper professionnel laisse la barre au pilote automatique 99% du temps et depuis peu même en équipage
Read 28 tweets
Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
I have always known.
Eventually I will unlock my P0A_Triot23 Account or Post everything that has already been archived.

Do dates & Times matter?
Is Timing everything?

The world/country will finally see for themselves that some “nobody” is THE ONLY WAY, for MANY it will
Be to late though …
So many have fallen/are falling for all the traps being set for ones to fall into. They’ll realize they were entrapped & spread around things to wake up their family/friends who have beaten them into the ground for believing this whole time. Because their
Emotions are clouding their judgments, they’re sharing Hunter truths to be like “see I told you so” to their family & friends.
AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT [THEY] #NEED everyone to do. MANY are & soon they’ll have something on their record for the rest of their life that should not
Read 17 tweets
Good Morning, “They” need another distraction—“Phoned Home” ..

Everything is going according to plan, “Nobody” Loves Humanity unconditionally …

Be careful who you follow, ask yourself the most important Question when listening to these “XRP RIDDLERS” or “in the know”
Accounts, #WHY do they avoid the Military ? …

“Nobody” & the Military are in complete control … Control is an illusion, THE PEOPLE are truly sin control & have all the POWER, THE PEOPLE/Children come first ..

The false reality being presented as “Reality, is the “reality”
Created by evil that GOOD has to SLOWLY awaken the people out of ..

Once awakened, the REALITY that is & ALWAYS has been/Always existed (hidden from humanity) becomes clear to those asleep. .
Ones start to realize all that their family members who came before them, what they
Read 19 tweets
Non, je ne comprends pas: soit on respecte l’Etat de droit, soit on ne le respecte pas. Si on n’en est pas satisfait, on négocie pour le changer ou alors on quitte l’UE. #simple
Dans cette itw, une série de contrevérités : non, le droit de la concurrence ne s’oppose pas à la « renationalisation » d’EDF (qui est déjà propriété de l’Etat à 84%, passons) ou n’oblige à la privatisation du fret. Les traités sont neutres sur la possession capitalistique
En outre, il n’y a aucun texte européen sur l’eau (monopole naturel). Donc l’Allemagne n’a rien sauvé du tout. En France, sa gestion a été déléguée à des intercommunales puis au privé sans aucune intervention de l’UE.
Read 13 tweets
Pour régler définitivement ce débat sur l'avortement, je propose à tous ceux qui sont contre de ne pas avorter.

#Simple #Basique
Et de laisser cette option aux autres.

Parce qu'à un moment ça va de crier "ouin ouin les musulmans ils veulent opprimer la femme" si c'est pour faire la même chose au nom du christianisme hein.
Parce que regardez bien que ce soit aux USA ou ici, ce sont bien les mêmes. C'est l'ultra droite qui veut régir le corps des femmes alors qu'ils crient au scandale devant un voile.
Les mêmes qui une fois né, ce contrefoutent du sort de cet embryon.
Read 5 tweets
We need a #profitable investment strategy. When it comes to #bitcoin, this task seems very simple: just hold and number will go up. This maxi view advocates a constant buying strategy commonly called dollar (or unit) cost averaging (#DCA/UCA). But is this the best we can do? 🧵 9 Image
1. The annual chart above shows that, indeed, #number just keeps going up. What about those red candles though? Can we avoid losing money in the red years? Is there a #pattern to them?

The losses can be significant (56-73%) so it would be good to know what to do in those years.
2. The simple answer is that the #red candles repeat every 4 years (the 1st one is an exception: it came 1 year late late due to a lack of #bitcoin market for the first 1.5 years).

Why every 4 years? Because that's the length of the block subsidy #halving cycle (vertical lines).
Read 10 tweets
: 'Black' people are the victims of Colonization; dehumanization; and induced Oppression Psychology. It's practically impossible to find any of us without a problematic past. So, it's weird that whenever a famous 'Black' person is mentioned, & people focus on their faults! 🤔 Image
: We have the audacity to focus on other people's faults as if any of us came out of the womb in full Consciousness. If problematic people survived their trauma and used their life to work to help others through trauma, I'm celebrating it! #Simple 🤷🏾‍♂️
Read 4 tweets
etc mitgeben, und das bitte in #deutsch #englisch #französisch, #spanisch, #türkisch, #russisch, und den wichtigsten Sprachen aus Osteuropa (von #polnische nach #bulgarisch) sowie Sprachen aus #islamischen #Ländern, #indisch #vietnamesisch etc
So könnte man in simpler #ComicForm in allen möglichen Sprachen von verfügbar einerseits (#Aufklärung, #Anleitung zum richtigen #Verhalten, #Hilfw zur #Selbsthilfe uvm) , und sehr viele #wichtige #simple #Sachverhalte den Menschen #näherbringen. Man könnte sogar auf lokaler

Ebene regelmäßige #Kommunikation der lokalen #Behörden und #Verantwortlichen in Form von #wöchentlichen #Briefen mit aktuellen Regeln, Empfehlungen und aktuelle #Corona #Strategie, FAQ, alle wichtigen Kontaktdressen zuständiger Behörden,#Impfstellen, Infekt-Sprechstunden

Read 12 tweets
"The Healthcare System breed passivity and dependence..." ~ Steve Forbes
The main ways that the hospitals and insurance companies do this is to:
1) Hide their prices
2) Make it complex to understand
3) Build rapport to enlist trust in patients that they will be taken care of
However what we see everyday is that these folks use deception, complexity, narrow networks and many more tactics to make it difficult and complex for patients to get any benefit from their health insurance.
Where health insurance is difficult and complex, Medical Cost Sharing
is simple and easy.
You make a monthly contribution, you have an initial unsharable amount, and you can choose any doctor you want! #simple #easy
Check out our website for more information about how you too may be able to find your Checkmate
Read 5 tweets
Came across this Nice collection of profound statements and felt it was #TooGoodNotToShare

Enjoy the read!!!

✅Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray for a better umbrella.
That is called #Attitude.
✅When flood comes, fish eat ants & when flood recedes, ants eat fish.
Only time matters.
Just hold on.
God gives #Opportunity to every one.
✅In a theatre when drama plays, you opt for front seats. When film is screened, you opt for rear seats.
Your position in life is only relative & #NotAbsolute.

✅For making soap, oil is required. But to clean oil, soap is required. This is the #IronyOfLife.
Read 7 tweets
Confessions have begun ..

I know the truth, whole truth & absolutely nothing but the truth.
Corruption/evil has been trying their hardest to start as many wars as possible to not only distract from the election fraud being uncovered but also for when it's all overturned, there is A "War" happening & FAKE cab then try & say it's all because of DJT ..

All playbooks
Are KNOWN & the gamss evil in this world plays upon the masses minds will no longer work..

Forgiveness means everything, right?
Read 6 tweets
💰Life is much easier when you have good #Financial skills. The right allocation of your hard-earned #money is as important as earning it.

🧵In this #Thread, I have shared 5 #simple ways to
manage your money better.
📅Take out a money #Date each week

Fix a day each week, no matter how busy you are, it is absolutely necessary to take out an hour to check on your #finances. Just #investing is not enough. Keeping #Track is important. You need to make a list and note your spendings & #savings.
📚Personal Learning

To raise your financial #awareness, to identify popular avenues to #invest, to be aware of the #Risks associated and to explore new #Asset classes you must expand your #knowledge. Each week dedicate 20-30 minutes to increase your financial consciousness.
Read 7 tweets
Are you up for some thrilling challenges?🌚
Linkdrops is sponsoring the seventeenth obstacle that you'll encounter.🥳
#NEARProtocol #NEARster #cryptocurrecy #digitalcurrency #bitcoinnews #money #bitcoins #JungkookDay #RonaldoReturns #Patriots #pats #NEAR Image
Five New Frontiers for #NFTs has put together a series of challenges for you.🤜🤛
So whats there in the #challenge🤔
🔘Set up a (similar) Twitter campaign using the linkdrop v2 #rust contract…
which allows you to drop #NEAR to Twitter accounts depending on a #certain action
👉They encourage you to think #outside the box on which kind of campaigns make sense in order to strike a balance #between #decent UX and not being too #simple to spam!
Read 6 tweets
Laura Novoa, la ceremonia de homenaje a las personas fallecidas por #Covid19 y mi pensamiento.
Dejá tu comentario. Gracias

Abro hilo... Image
1) Considero que no es momento apropiado para realizar este homenaje.

Si bien siempre puede ser propicio, la situación política del gobierno y la proximidad de campaña electoral, no lo amerita.
2) Considero que el lugar elegido para realizarlo, tampoco es apropiado.

Hacerlo en el CCK lo transforma automáticamente en un acto político.
Read 11 tweets
Dear @cafreeland, let me save you four years, at least a thousand lives and $12,000,000 in 6 tweets or less.

Your going to commit $12,000,000 for discussions on how to include the most people possible and what to provide in a #Canada #disability benefit. It REALLY is #simple 1/6
In fact, it's SO simple that I'm using up extra words in my promised six tweets or less to highlight JUST how easy it is.

YOU'RE going to ask around, maybe get.. 200 or 300 opinions.. 80% will be from organizations. 70% of those will kiss your ass. half of the individuals 2/6
you ask will ask an opinion from, will ask for so much because they've had so little (for SO LONG) you'll discount them anyways. Here is what you need to do and how to do it. The next three tweets are simple. it's "How to do it" and "What to give" 3/6 #PWD #ODSP #SAID #AISH #CPPD
Read 6 tweets
A thread is coming up for the latest tour to #Pakistan in the time of #secondwave of #COVID19
Read 17 tweets
'माहित नसलेला #इरफान'
हा लेख २९ एप्रिलचा असुन मी FB वर post केला होता.आज इरफान भाईचा Piku movie बघितला आणि त्याची आठवणं आली.म्हणलं तुमच्यासोबत share करावा.आवडल्यास नक्की like Rt करा आणि इरफानभाईचे तुम्हाला आवडलेले movie सांगा.👍

"अम्मी आयी है..वो मुझे लेने के लिए आयी है...."
मरणाच्या पहिले इरफान खान ह्या अभिनेत्याचे शेवटचे शब्द.इरफानची आई सईदा बेगम(वय वर्ष ९५) ह्यांचे ४ दिवसांपूर्वीच निधन झाले होते व आज ह्या अप्रतिम कलाकाराची कर्करोगाशी चाललेली लढाई संपली.२०१८ साली इरफानला Neuroendocrine Tumour झाल्याचे स्पष्ट करण्यात आले. हा कर्करोग दुर्मिळातला ‌
दुर्मिळ असुन १० लाखांतुन एखाद्याला होतो..आपल्या सारख्या तमाम रसिकवर्गाचं दुर्दैवच की हा रोग इरफान खान सारख्या अत्यंत हुशार,अष्टपैलू,कामाला न्याय देणार्या पण दैनंदिन जीवनात तेवढाच सरळ,साध्या कलाकाराला व्हावा....
*इरफानभाईला प्राण्यांबद्दल भरपुर प्रेम होते म्हणुन बहुतेक तो शाकाहारी
Read 11 tweets
WEF's Klaus Schwab: "In all likelihood, unless the #pandemic evolves in an unforeseen way, the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health & mortality will be mild..."

New week-end thread w/ @spencerlatu

#Covid19 as catalyst for #WEF #greatreset
Written by Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Geneva, July 2020.

"Until 2011, Mr. Malleret was a senior partner at the Geneva-based IJ (Informed Judgment) Partners, an investment boutique for ultra-high-net-worth individuals."

#WEF #GlobalRiskNetwork…
"Malleret is the co-founder & principal author of the Monthly Barometer, an analytical and predictive newsletter on macro issues for high-level decisionmakers." - "Relevant to all; read by the influential"
Read 29 tweets
[Breaking news] La @FUB_fr a reçu le mémoire-défense de @Place_Beauvau concernant le référé-liberté 🚲
Je résume :
✅le 🚲 est autorisé pour tous les motifs
✅le 🚲 est notamment autorisé pour le motif 5
❌un tweet ne saurait tenir lieu de Journal Officiel
cc @Maitre_Eolas
Pour commencer, @Place_Beauvau confirme que le vélo est autorisé pour tous les motifs, tout simplement car le décret ne mentionne que les motifs des déplacements, et jamais les modes. #simple #basique

Ce n'est pourtant pas ce qu'on compris certains membres des forces de l'ordre!
Ensuite, concernant le fameux motif n°5, soit l'activité physique, @Place_Beauvau confirme que "la @FUB_fr résume parfaitement ce cadre juridique"
✅Le déplacement à 🚲au titre de l'activité physique est autorisé, seul, ds la limite 1h / jour, ds un rayon maximal d'1 km
Read 10 tweets
So @aaron_s_fox jumped the gate on me :) w/ a thread on the #ACL #injury & #AFLW #sport #womanprobs conversation & he did a great job but I'd like my perspective to come in that special 'tone' I may be known for in presentations... My first twitter thread! Expect sarcasm and gifs
1st, I posted my perspective on #injury #women #athlete #development #biomechanics in another tweet, if you missed it, short editorial: & presentation Read those after this thread of fun, I hope the GIFs help you "hear" my tone :)
I’ve seen a bit about #ACL #injury and #menstrualcycles including news stories about organisations ready to study the menstrual cycle and #training - Let me give you some basic information to help you #factcheck before you start #cheering or #praising
Read 16 tweets

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