#VaxxNannySlogans: "We're all in this together unless you're unvaccinated."
#VaxxNannySlogans: "The vaccines totally work which is why we need protection from the unvaccinated and anyone who is vaccinated but who hasn't been tested today."
#VaxxNannySlogans: "Pay no attention to Israel or the UK. And definitely not Sweden."
#VaxxNannySlogans: "The vaccines may not work as promised, but at least they're not horse dewormer."
#VaxxNannySlogans: "Get Vaxxed! Because that horse dewormer stuff doesn't make enough profits for Big Pharma."
This'll likely get me banned on Twitter but we've all been on borrowed time for a while. Might as well speak the truth if we're going to speak here at all.
The routers currently being illegally withheld from the #ArizonaAudit are very likely the smoking gun of election fraud.
The claim that releasing virtual images of the routers to secured, certified professional forensic auditors would put law enforcement lives in danger is a bald-faced like.
It is lunacy prima facie.
They hope we're as stupid as they think we are. That's all there is to it.
No lives would be put in danger by letting limited professional forensic auditors examine routers. Period.
What is on the routers that has them making up such blatant, mind-numbingly stupid lies?
You all know the answer whether you admit it or not.
Classify this under "too little, too late," but it needs to be said.
The excuse many Republicans used tonight to justify not objecting to the electors was that the Constitution limits them.
This is inaccurate. Federalism is about checks and balances...
What we've seen with the 2020 election was, at the very least, highly questionable. To say that it was thoroughly investigated, adjudicated, and voted on by state legislatures is an absolute lie.
Voter fraud is unconstitutional. The oath of all on Capitol Hill is to support and defend the Constitution. If they believe there is a serious possibility that voter fraud on a massive scale took place, they should have been first in line to call for an investigation.
The fact that observers and press were told to leave in Georgia and then election workers continued counting for several more hours is grounds enough to invalidate the state election.
This is against the law.
They lied. Then they cheated. Then they covered it up.
People keep saying, "Show me the evidence!"
Watch the Georgia hearing. VIDEO evidence of Georgia election laws being broken is playing right now.
Why send observers home, then pull out piles of ballots hidden under the table after GOP observers left?
This is evidence.
Anyone at this point who believes there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud is either willfully ignoring it or just plain stupid.
Thousands of fraudulent ballots illegally counted without oversight is as blatant as it gets. Wake up and stop gaslighting, folks.
There are now hundreds of affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, detailing widespread voter fraud.
Those who get their news from mainstream media have no idea.
It's up to you and me to alert everyone we know. They don't want to hear it. Make them listen.
If a "fraud denier" says something to the effect of "if it were real it would be in the news," don't laugh at them.
Kindly alert them that mainstream media, Big Tech, Democratic lawmakers, and even many Republican lawmakers will never admit their own complicity in the crimes.
If they say something like "show me the evidence," don't laugh at them.
Ask them what sort of evidence they'd need to see to believe it's true. Then, show them.
The Georgia lawsuit was shockingly mild on attacks against Dominion. Yes, they were mentioned 58 times in the suit, but the focus was on lower-hanging fruit.
Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, and the election board clearly broke laws, cut deals, and tried to cover it all up.
The Michigan lawsuit is where Dominion Voting Systems gets fully exposed. There are implications in here that should not only cast doubt on any jurisdiction that uses the terminals or software, but should also make us question anyone willing to put it in their state.