Pull up a coffee and sit yourself down. I need your help.
Actually, @JHayestetra needs your help. So, first, please follow him.
As we all know, Brexit has had an infinite number of unforeseen consequences. Jonathan told me one.
Let me tell you about Jonathan.
Jonathan is paralysed and for 31 years he has recruited the live-in carers he depends on from Denmark.
The Danes get easier access to University if they do this work in their GAP year. Which is a great idea!
Except, of course, Brexit has stopped it because the government was keen to stop foreign workers going to the UK.
Which is fine.
If there are enough local workers to do the job. Which there aren't.
Meanwhile, every day, people needing care are suffering.
Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think that any leavers or remainers wanted anyone in @JHayestetra's position, disabled, paralysed and needing care, to suffer. We all wanted our different futures but nobody wanted people to be denied care.
But that's literally what's happening.
And it doesn't need to.
And that's where you come in.
Over months, both leavers and remainers have shown their ability to campaign. How about we all try to campaign for something together? Show the government where the real power is?
The carer shortage is only going to get worse unless we work together for people like Jonathan.
In order for that to happen, we need to persuade the government to allow young people to work across Europe and to allow disabled people to recruit live-in carers from Europe.
This isn't something that can wait. Carers are need NOW.
So let's put politics aside and make that happen.
There are 2 petitions to stop the suffering. Please sign and share BOTH!
Negotiate reciprocal Youth Mobility Visas with European countries
There are rules for third-country nationals visiting France. These are not new rules. They are standard rules. You will need to comply with them if you are planning to come on holiday to France. I set them out here to help.
At the border, you may be asked for three pieces of information:
1. Motive for your stay in France
This can be satisfied by:
- for tourism: a hotel or other accommodation reservation
- in the absence of a hotel reservation, the traveller has to prove that he possesses means of living of at least 120€ per day – see point 2, documents from a travel agency;
- for a professional visit: letter from the employer, invitation from a French firm or org;
You might not want to listen to me. I used to be a Tory. Like, I used to work for them. I like to think that it was at a time when they were moderate but we can argue about that some other time.
Last time around, I was vehemently pro-No.
But they lied.
They lied when they told you that Scotland's place was as an equal partner in a UK at the heart of Europe. I can see that now. And looking back, I am sorry to say that I did not see it before. But it has been a lie for a long, long time.
Scotland is a trophy, not a partner.
Scotland has been the English magic money tree for a long old time. They took the oil revenue and 'spaffed it up the wall'. The idiots didn't even invest it for the future. They literally wasted it.
Today is significant for Britain but not for the reasons you're thinking
In the late 69s and early 70s, Britain lost the final bits of its empire. They were faced with two questions "Who are we and what is our place in the world?"
Concerned at the potential economic strength of the fledgling European community coming together on its doorstep, rather than coming to terms with the answers to those questions, it sensibly decided to join them.
Today is the moment of reckoning. Britain must come to terms with its new position in the world.
Entirely under the control of whichever large trading bloc it ends up submitting to.
As Brexiters are keen to point out, the EU Budget will be massively hit once the huge financial contribution made by the UK has been removed.
To help you understand the extent of the problem, I have created an explainer.
Here is the daily extra contribution that EU citizens will need to make as a result of the UK leaving.
5 cents.
However, EU budget contributions are proportionate to economic activity/size. So this presupposes that the EU does not find a way of replacing the trade it does with the UK...
People of colour around the world are still treated worse than animals. Watch the reaction as people are disgusted by the destruction of TVs in a Target but don’t show the same reaction to the continual victimisation and killing of innocent people of colour...
because apparently, to them, there’s some kind of moral equivalence between the two.
This is a problem. Obviously, it is a problem for people of colour – they are the victims of it. But it is a problem for white people more and we need to step up.