#covid19uk - Detailed positive tests thread. The majority of this thread is a set of views of rolling 7 day average positives per 100K by specimen date. Starting with England regions:
Some of the more detailed content from this thread has been moved to an external page to try and make the twitter updates a bit more manageable. You can still see the full version here: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Detail/Detail_…
UK nations:
Top 15 of just Upper Tier Local Authorities in England:
Regional / age distribution of today's newly announced positives for England.
Plus to see how it's shifting, here's the same values but with the same day last week for comparison:
England rolling average positives (per 100K population) by age range:
England regional rolling average positives (per 100K population) in the 60+ age range:
Age breakdown chart for Corby (current top LA). Rolling average of positive tests by specimen date per 100K population of each age range.
Also age breakdown charts for rest of top 5: North West Leicestershire, Allerdale, Hinckley and Bosworth and Blackpool.
Rolling weekly comparison of totals up to 3 days ago. This chart is useful to see the relative movements of the local authorities towards the top of the list.
Updated (19-Sep) table of top 30 MSOAs (by rate) based on latest numbers in today's report.
This table often feels a bit out of date because by the time these local figures filter through, the LA has already peaked.
Bringing back the view of how many weeks the MSOAs have been in the suppressed 'less then 3 +ves in the last week' category. Since they don't allow us to distinguish between zero / 1 / 2, we generally consider it to mean zero. Link to full table in reply below.
#covid19uk - Tables thread. Starting with the top 50 England Local Authorities by positives per 100K population in last 7 days, up to 3 days ago. Bright green means lower than previous period.
29,612 new #covid19uk positive tests reported today (19-Sep). Similar numbers to last Sunday so we might be about to see a levelling off.
Animated chart to show LFD-only positives being either converted into PCR confirmed positives or removed due to negattive confirmation, over the last 14 days of reports.
Pivot table of daily changes to LFD Only and LFD Confirmed by PCR figures to see if we can identify where LFDs are now being removed due to negative follow-up PCRs.