Drinking Dirty Water doesn't make you a Hero!!!
Drinking Dirty Water doesn't make you a Hero!!!
Have you heard about Water Borne diseases??? Ok
Drinking Dirty Water can transmit Water Borne diseases such diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, polio, etc.
Dirty drinking water is estimated to cause upto 500, 000 diarrhoeal deaths each year. Just diarrhoea oo.
Bacteria, protozoa & viruses can enter the body via consumption of Dirty water, which can send someone to a hospital within a few hours of ingestion.
Some Signs & symptoms includes Gastrointestinal Problems such as:
Diarrhea, Nausea, Intestinal or Stomach Cramping, Intestinal or Stomach Aches and Pains, Dehydration & even Death!!!
Keep in mind, just bcos there no signs or symptoms are experienced, it doesn't mean there are
no potential long term effects.
For EXAMPLE, if water sources are contaminated with RADIUM or RADON GAS, you might not notice an immediate health effects. However, long term exposure has been linked to CANCER & HEART DISEASE.
Other possible contaminates found in dirty water sources are: