become POOR right away because of deceit and lack of real products besides an MVP (minimum viable product STILL not properly explained extremely late #SAFEMOONWALLET ) which shipped with NO buy button, WITHOUT their "seed phrases will be a thing of the past" encryption, and with
NOTHING new to draw in ANYONE outside the #safemoonarmy themselves. By the way these are YESTERDAY's updated holder stats. 97% of @safemoon holders hold less than 1B. 53% hold between $1.50 and $150...and there's also a difference between "putting in what you can afford to lose"
and "blatantly accepting red flags, lack of direction BEYOND WORDS/HYPE, and full loss of an investment when you CAN get out. I'm sick of the "paper hands" and "you bought the top hurrdurr" comments from people when in reality MOST investors got deeply hurt from @safemoon and
PROVABLY RELATED PROJECTS like @nobilitytoken (…). Hopium that you'll all be millionares in 5 years when MOST "holders" provably hold $1.50-$150 investments (here's yesterdays holders stats. more detailed breakdown in profile). Anyways
there's no shame in getting out of a doesn't make you a "paper hand" it makes you smart if you know what you're doing/why. @safemoon MAY have future...but all signs point to otherwise and when you can throw a dart at a random REAL crypto (not a token that takes 30
seconds to deploy and list on @PancakeSwap) and get GREAT returns...if you see what is on that flowchart and holder chart for what it is you'll know it and jump ship. Doesn't mean you just wanted to get rich right away or put in anything more than you can afford to lose..and if
@safemoon#SAFEMOONARMY being specifically targeted for dusting attacks...the addresses are being hit hard. If random coins/tokens show up in your wallet DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Nothing is free besides a verified airdrop...they often have hidden permissions enabling theft of your
assets when you approve the spend on whichever dex you choose. They may even make it so it shows its worth thousands of dollars...DO NOT TOUCH IT. Period. Don't send, don't connect to dapps, don't read the messages, just DON'T. #PSA#SAFEMOONFAMILY#SAFEMOONBLOCKCHAIN@CptHodl
Did apple lie and say that their customers are the reason for the botched release? Were they putting out hype tweets to pump their stock price right up until countdown timers on massive billboards countdown to zero? After the fact did the C-level staff have leaks released that
crushed their credibility? Will they tell us tomorrow that development is just starting? When the product is delivered will it clearly be a copy/paste MVP (MINIMUM viable product) like the safemoon wallet? @safemoon#SAFEMOONWALLET#SAFEMOON Will they continue to hide and lie
for weeks ahead as to the reasoning behind the delay? Once released, will the phone include features that apple promised, unlike @safemoon (revolutionary encryption, "seed phrases will be a thing of the past", BUY BUTTON). Will they release it to HALF their customers who use a