self diagnosis was the only way I knew to ask for specific meds, and to self medicate with OTC and supplements, and THAT was how I went from needing a wheelchair to get from bed to toilet to... well I haven't used my wheelchair in almost 2 years.
I have never met a single doctor who actually knew *anything* about my underlying condition (MCAS).
I have met plenty of doctors who didn't believe me that it even exists.
There is precisely 1 place in germany that offers MCAS diagnosis and I can't get there.
without self dx and self medicating, both for mental health as well as physical health, I would be dead.
long, long dead.
what harms is gatekeeping of information. doctors *shouldn't* be the only ones with the power of diagnosis and treatment.
they fuck up too often.
doctors have never diagnosed me with anything that i didn't know I had before i even made an appointment. no, not even the hypothyroidism. I knew that months before it showed up on the bloodworks.
doctors are bullshit. they haven't eaten from a magical cake of knowledge. they are just as competent and incompetent as everyone else who has gone to university, remembers a few things, then did some work, forgot some things and learned others
putting them on a pedestal as the only ones with the power to diagnose and treat patients, without any recourse for patients who are not getting help, is what kills so many of us. quietly. you won't hear of 99.9% of those of us who die like this. neglected and dismissed
self diagnose yourself with everything you fucking want. break the rules to help yourself. nobody else is going to do it. until that changes, radical self-determination may well be the only way to stay alive.
personally, I've got better things to do than chasing a diagnosis for something I've been managing and medicating on my own for 5 years.
with incredible fucking success.
I'm not wasting several years of my life on that. I'm doing a lot better than I ever hoped I would.
so yeah, I've diagnosed myself, I've worked out a successful medication plan for myself, and now I'm going to go practice the fiddle that I wouldn't even be able to *hold* if I hadn't diagnosed and medicated myself.
shit, I wouldn't be able to sit upright. lol. have a good day
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okay so as some people don't seem to know this is happening:
when someone replies to one of your posts asking you for your paypal / venmo / etc, there are bots that will IMMEDIATELY clone your account and reply with a payment link. they block your account in the same second.
because you're blocked, you'll see that there's 1 reply to that question but the reply tweet won't show up.
if you see a ghost reply to a comment like that, it's almost always a scam bot.
they delete as fast as they clone your account. you won't even know it happened.
they will delete the reply tweet, but the account itself will usually not be deleted, just change the user name. so the accounts are usually not brand new, they even have followers. you need to check closely.
every time one of these "1 like = 1 answer" images goes around I get to unfollow so many people because nobody cares about access! you don't care about me, I don't care about you either, goodbye
I know the questions don't all fit in the alt text! it's better to write them out as you post the answers anyway, because nobody will keep scrolling up and down to see what you're even answering.
but you're not even making the slightest effort.
I'm fucking tired of this kind of exclusion, and it hurts especially if it's other disabled people doing it.
at this point there's no excuse for not even *trying*.
just say you don't care about disabled people and save us all the trouble. yes, even if you're disabled yourself.
I would like to add that opiates are a very good option for pain relief, and that the fact that they also make you high is in many cases a feature and not a bug.
if you're in immense acute pain, that high does actually help you through it.
I'd also like to add that growing opium poppies in your garden is something that people have been doing for millennia, because it's easy, it works, it's quite safe (it's difficult to dangerously overdose oral opioids by accident) and it's, for some fucking reason, illegal.
we do not actually require doctors or pharmacies in order to get effective and safe pain relief.
if you buy multiple things I am happy to give discounts or add surprise items. I'm currently not making the stimmy bracelets (sorry) because my workspace is a mess and half the stuff I'd need for those is buried where I can't reach it and I HAVE to tidy the living room first
which is clearly not happening, I don't know why I am like this
this is a sign that your natural circadian rhythm does not correspond to the schedule externally imposed on your body and if you keep going like this you'll ruin your health permanently and the fact that you've got no choice means capitalism is killing you ✨
take it from someone who did ruin their health permanently in exactly this way and is now unable to work or do their favourite hobbies forever ✨
every body is actually not able to function at the same circadian rhythm and the fact that it varies is an incredible advantage to us as a species: some people function *best* at night shift and thanks to this variation we can take care of each other 24/7
Auch immer faszinierend wie entgenderte Sprache den Bedürfnissen von Behinderten entgegengesetzt wird, als ob trans Personen nicht überdurchschnittlich oft behindert wären
Ich weiß schon warum ich deutschtwitter weitestgehend ignoriere. nur Arschlöcher unterwegs