Huge numbers of corporate media outlets spent weeks peddling an outright lie from the CIA -- that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation" -- and now will ignore the fact that one of their own, a POLITICO reporter, just published a book definitively debunking their lies.
This is the absolute truth: corporate media outlets lie constantly, don't care when they get caught lying, and feel no compulsion to correct themselves when they get caught or even acknowledge it, because lying to aggrandize their audience's ideology is their business model.
Even these lying propagandists at CNN, HuffPost, NBC, PBS, The Intercept, etc. etc. all know they lied when they said these materials were Russian disinformation. They always knew, and especially know now. But they also know liberals don't care if they lied, so they can ignore it
In addition to the comprehensive video report we published this morning, I also wrote here about this new proof that the Biden emails are authentic, debunking the CIA lie spread by corporate media & used by Big Tech to *censor* the reporting:
Look to see how pervasive was the CIA lie that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation" -- aggressively and purposely spread by the very same media outlets and people who claim to be at war with disinformation, which they spread more than anyone:
AOC's statement is barely comprehensible in the English language. It's like a parody of the worst excesses of modern left-wing discourse: social justice phrases and self-aggrandizing grievances randomly strewn together amidst classic AOC self-victimization about trauma and pain.
I mean, seriously: what the fuck is this and what does it mean?
Jen Psaki blatantly lied in 2020 by citing intelligence officials to claim the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation" (those officials admitted they didn't know and had no evidence).
Even a POLITICO reporter just proving the emails were real, she still can't tell the truth:
It's been 5 days since the release of the book by POLITICO reporter @SchreckReports that proves that the Hunter Biden emails were genuine. The outlets that spread the CIA lie -- CNN, MSNBC, PBS, @HuffPost, @theintercept - won't even acknowledge the book let alone admit they lied.
Every single person who works at the media corporations that spread the CIA lie that the Biden archive was "Russian disinformation" knows they lied to protect Biden.
But they also know their audience doesn't care if they get caught lying as long as it's for the right Party.
I have two specific questions for Congresswoman @AOC about her "present" vote on funding Israel's Iron Dome, and I made a short video to lay out the two questions I have for her:
A few points from the above video on @AOC's cowardly and staggeringly hypocritical "present" vote on funding Israel's Iron Dome.
First, to denounce @TulsiGabbard's clearly explained 2019 "present" vote on Trump's impeachment, AOC insisted it's *always* wrong to vote "present."
Yesterday was not the first (or worst) "present" vote from AOC. In May, Pelosi demanded $2 billion more for Capitol Police. The Squad all agreed to join the GOP in voting NO -- until they realized that would sink the bill. So AOC changed her vote to PRESENT to ensure it passed.
Please read this thread. It is such a major scandal that Big Tech censored the Biden reporting in the lead-up to the 2020 election and the corporate media not only cheered that censorship but used a CIA lie over and over to justify its suppression.
I know I've said it repeatedly but I'm going to keep saying it:
It's shocking to watch - even though I know it shouldn't be - that the corporate outlets that spread the CIA lie that that the archive was "Russian disinformation" are just *ignoring* the new book proving they lied.
One of the few programs to interview the POLITICO reporter who proved the Biden archive was real is BREAKING POINTS with @krystalball and @esaagar. Watch them interview Schreckinger here. This is why independent media & free speech platforms are so vital:
The media constantly relies on former national security officials to disseminate narratives (that's who concocted the lie about the Biden archive being "Russian disinformation").
Yet there are trained career liars. And they so often are paid to spin lies, like they did here:
Hopefully POLITICO will one day learn the lesson to stop relying on these former national security officials which their own reporting today reveals are corrupt. This is what happens when you do it:
Ordinarily, when a reporter with a big mainstream outlet like POLITICO publishes a book about the First Family, as @SchreckReports just did, they'd be all over mainstream shows.
But do you see them interviewing him about his *proof* that the Biden emails are real? No.
Please pay attention to how sickeningly dishonest these corporate outlets are. Schreckinger, the POLITICO reporter, did extensive reporting proving the CIA narrative they spread for weeks -- the Biden archive was "Russian disinformation" -- is a lie, so they just ignore the book.
Employees of big media corporations constantly whine about people stoking hatred toward them. Why shouldn't you hate them?
Look at what they did: they spent weeks lying about a major story to help Biden, and now won't even acknowledge the *proof* that what they said was a lie.