The first tricky 2.0 #NFT getting a place in our upcoming "Tricky NFT Gallery" will - of course - be a @RmrkApp#Kanaria.
A special one.
All kanaria birds are special, but from a technical and creative point of view this one stands out. All the gemslots are broken! Why? 😱..
...A punishment for hatching after deadline. Gems are not only missing, but their slots are broken - forever😶!!
So this bird did not only miss the chance to get it's three gems, it will never be able to get a single one. But at it hatched! It's a last second survivor!
What a creative solution to allow hatching late & how nice it's solved technicaly: The layer for the equipable gem slots got the same z-index numbers as the rotten gem slots. So only one of these can be working. We guess priority was triggered by the birds egg_rot_percentage 🔥
on this first episode we check the gems an transferable / non-transferable #NFTs.
..get yourself some tea and maybe open some birds backpack ( )
birds have gem slots. these are equipable like the 7 other slots for "normal" items. the gems are a bit different as they use the option of non-transferability. normal NFTs on RMRK2 are transferable, they can be transfered to another account OR -this is special- another NFT.
a non transferable NFT can't be moved. neither to another account nor to another NFT. It stays where it is. And if it is owned by a NFT - like the gems are owned by a bird - they stay there. Even if the bird, as parent, is moved to another account or another NFT.