She is Pritilata Waddedar,
On the date of today 24 september 1932 when she was just 21, she decided to be martyr than to be caught by britishers,
How many of us know about her?
Not even 0.1% Population of India.
Lets know about her in this thread. @Sanjay_Dixit @RekhaSharma1511
She was born in 5 May 1911 in Chatgaon West bengal,
She was very much intelligent and that time she completed her graduation in first division,
Soon she got inspried from the revolutionary leader of bengal Surya kumar sen.
Do you know she got her degree after 80 year?
Reason behind it was because she usually go for a meating with Ramkrishna vishwas and he was later hanged by the britishers.
She became the member of Bachar sansthan which was loyal to britishers and thats why she was furious with this samsthan. @HiteshAwasthi89 @Indigen_Apsara
After completing her graduation she started a job in primary school but soon she became active krantikari and there was group of 4 people,
She,surya kumar sen,Nirmal kumar sen And apoorva kumar sen.
She became female Soldier in Indian Republican Army. @V_Shuddhi @Anti_Congressi
In east bengal Ghalghat during fighting with britishers,Apoorva sen and Nirmal sen sacrificed themselves in the revenge of it Suryasen decided to attack on britshers And in this Preetilata was the leader of krantikari group. @SanjeevUpadhy13 @Pratyangira1 @The_Avenger_2
The date was decided and the date was 24 september 1932,
The place was a club,
Preetilata knew it was hard for her to come back so she also put KCN (cyanide) with her and threw a bomb on the club and start shooting in this attack 13 britishers got injured.
But in cross firing she got injured and it was hard for her to run away she was inspired from Rani Lakshmi Bai so she decided to sui cide and she ate the KCN and became a martyr.
She could not get even respect from us.
I am sorry preetilata ji we Indians do not have time for you, We do not have any info about you.
वीरांगना प्रीतिलता जी को उनकी वीरगति दिवस पर अश्रिपूरित श्रद्धांजलि एवम् नमन
We are the oldest civilization in the world,
We made Panchanga and introduced first calendar in the world.
We have given three samvats till now to the world 1- Yugabda Samvat 2- Vikram Samvat 3- Shak samvat
Now what is panchanga,
In hindi or sanskrit,
पंच+अंग Means which have 5 parts,
So our panchang too have 5 parts
3-Nakshatra 4- Yoga
Tithi- Tithi means basically the day but we calculate the day from rising of the sun.
Vaara- Its basically the 7 days
शुक्रवार और शनिवार।
Photo thread on the amazing sanskrit,
Beautifully compiled by prashant agrawal of Bareilly,
कृपया पूरे थ्रेड को अन्तिम स्थान तक पढें, और समझें कि मात्रा एवम् सन्धि का खेल क्या है?
१- सभी व्यञ्जन एक साथ -- @Sanjay_Dixit @manojmuntashir @SanjeevSanskrit @myogiadityanath
Dismantling hindus was process to abuse hindus,hindu rituals,Hindu festivals,Our customs and our so long existing civilization.
The speakers of that conference were Neha Dikshit,kavita krishnan and many other CPI workers. #DismantlingJihad
You will be surprised that CPI (M) is the 6th deadliest terror Outfit in the world and in India they are known as social workers,
It is joke Naa.
These people does not have any relevancy except abusing hindus and defining good terror bad terror,good rape,bad rape etc.
"स्वतंत्रता हमारा अधिकार है, तुम्हारी ये गोलियां हमारे संकल्प को डिगा नहीं सकतीं"
ये शब्द उस वीरांगना के अन्तिम शब्द थे जिसने अपने हाथ से भारत का उस समय का झंडा गिरने न दिया यद्यपि अंग्रेजी गोली उनका सीना भेद गयी।
जानिये 17 वर्षीय कनकलता बरूआ "वीरबाला" के बारे में @Sanjay_Dixit
असम के बारंगबाड़ी में जन्मीं वीरांगना की पारिवारिक स्थिति ये थी कि मात्र 5 वर्ष की अवस्था में मां का देहान्त हो गया अगले ही वर्ष सौतेली मां का भी देहावसान हो गया लेकिन वीर चुनौतियों से डिगते नहीं अपितु चुनौतियों का हंसकर सामना करते हैं चूंकि नाम ही वीरबाला था यथा नाम तथा गुण।
सात वर्ष की अवस्था मेॆ कवि ज्योति प्रसाद अग्रवाल के गीतों ने राष्ट्रभक्ति की अलख जगा दी वीरबाला के हृदय में,
मात्र 17 वर्ष में नेताजी की आजाद हिन्द फौज में शामिल होने की याचिका दी इन्होंने परन्तु वो याचिका निरस्त हो गयी क्योंकि कहा गया कि आप अभी नाबालिग हैं लेकिन वो रूकी नहीं।
Taimur,the most barbaric and cruel Lootera of Indian history got defeated by a 20 year old Veerangna of Saharanpur,
I can surely say that even the people of saharanpur dont know about her.
This unsung female warrior was Gurjar Rampyari Chauhan. @Sanjay_Dixit
Here let me introduce one more unsung warrior Harbir singh Gulia of Haridwar who was able to attack on the chest of Taimur with a spear.
This attack of Harbeer was too much brutal that Taimur never recovered from this and after the injury of 7 year he died.
We all have heard of Taimur Lang. he wanted to capture Delhi.On his way from Central Asia to Delhi, Taimur captured over 1,00,000 Hindus by the time he reached Delhi. Upon reaching Delhi he executed all of them and created a pillar with the he+ads