Polls consistently show strong support for the characteristics of #ProportionalRepresentation: parties sharing power, civil debate on policy options instead of personal attacks, effective representation for (almost) all in a diverse legislature that mirrors society. Nice!😁1/5
Where we have run into problems is in not openly acknowledging the inevitable conflict of interest for politicians in changing the system that just handed them power. Change becomes less appealing as soon as you find yourself in a position to implement change. Not nice. 😠 2/5
The key to breaking this logjam is for politicians to show integrity and step aside, handing power back to citizens in a way that encourages thoughtful debate and evidence-based decision-making, rather than partisanship and divisive polarization. But how? 3/5
Deliberative, citizen-driven processes have been gaining steam around the world (see 2020 OECD report "Catching the Deliberative Wave" tinyurl.com/2t3fjctm). Randomly-selected but demographically-representative bodies learn, discuss, and come to consensus. Very nice! 🥰 4/5