Re: the #Babylon5 reboot. I’m generally very positive but wanted to share a couple of perspectives I’ve had:
One thing that worries me is the thought that some of the characters we loved (some for obvious and some for far more subtle reasons) will be airbrushed. I don’t want to jump straight to Sheridan because I held Sinclair in such high regard.
Some would argue that they would prefer a continuation series (I would like this too). But I feel that’s a conversation for further down the road. Wisdom says you shouldn’t pour new wine in old wine skins… and I feel the case needs to be made to justify it.
For example if @straczynski is able To pull this off, he’d be more than capable of writing a series set in the distant future that could serve as a sequel to either incarnation of #Babylon5 - distinct in enough in itself, yet vague enough to be faithful to both versions of B5.
But crucially, I feel that we (original #Babylon5 fans), are like the first ones… with a duty, care & joy of guiding new fans by showing them what was; sharing in the magic they experience of what is; while not getting in the way of the new magic they create of what will be.
If we are faithful to that role… who knows, we could teach a thing or two to fans of other franchises (eg #DoctorWho, #StarTrek, #StarWars) who are caught up in their own binary culture wars that split their fan bases.