COVID-19: No, vaccinated people are not as likely to spread COVID
In Ontario rates at which people are becoming infected, hospitalized, and admitted to the ICU are much higher for people who have not been COVID-19 vaccinated (… ). 🧵1/
This article does a good job at explaining why vaccinated people are not as likely to spread COVID-19 (… ). 2/
There has unfortunately been a lot of misinformation given, and confusing messaging from public-health agencies. The reality is that in order to spread COVID-19 and infect someone else you need to actually be infected yourself. 3/
People who are fully vaccinated are far less likely to become infected, period. If someone isn't infected, they can't spread the virus to others. 4/
While breakthrough cases can happen in someone who is fully vaccinated and the viral load can become as high as an unvaccinated person, studies have shown they are likely contagious for a shorter period of time (… ). 5/
Studies have also shown the fully vaccinated harbour less infectious virus overall (… ). 6/
Even the few vaccinated people who can spread the virus are doing so at a much lower rate than someone who is unvaccinated. That is why getting more people vaccinated is crucial for controlling the spread of COVID-19. 7/
Every vaccinated person helps limit the virus' ability to hide, replicate, and propagate. The author of the article uses an analogy that among the unvaccinated, the virus travels unhindered on a highway with multiple off-ramps and refueling stations. 8/
In those people who are vaccinated, the virus gets lost in a maze of dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs. Every once in a while it pieces together an escape route but in most scenarios it finds itself cut off and its journey ends. 9/
How common are breakthrough infections? NYC has released its post-vaccination outcomes report with data from Jan. 17, 2021 to Aug. 7, 2021 (… ). 10/
They found that the fully vaccinated accounted for:
0.33% = COVID-19 cases
0.02% = COVID-19 hospitalizations
0.003% = COVID-19 deaths
In NYC at the beginning of August, an unvaccinated person was 3.1 times more likely to become infected than a fully vaccinated person. 12/
In Ontario right now, an unvaccinated person 18-59 is 7 times more likely to become infected, 15.4 times more likely for children 12-17, 13.4 times more likely for adults 60-79, and 22.9 times more likely for adults 80+ (… ). 13/
An example is provided of 2 weddings with 100 guests, one where everyone is COVID-19 unvaccinated and the other where all the guests are fully vaccinated. In the unvaccinated wedding group, the likelihood that at least 1 guest has COVID-19 is much higher. 14/
Everyone who is present is more susceptible and the Delta variant will likely infect many others. 15/
At the wedding with exclusively vaccinated attendees, the likelihood that anyone present has COVID-19 is much smaller (each person is 85% less likely to be infected than an unvaccinated person in Ontario). 16/
Even if someone present is infected, the likelihood that other guests will become infected is similarly low given the additional protection afforded by the vaccine. 17/
This is why vaccine mandates are so important and events that exclude unvaccinated people are considerably safer than those that are open to all. 18/
On top of the vaccine protecting the individual who gets it, the more people that become vaccinated, the more it helps keep everyone else protected as well, including children and others ineligible for vaccination. 19/
Since fully vaccinated people can become infected and spread the virus to others, it is still important they do their part and follow all public health guidelines including wearing masks and physical distancing where required. 20/
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COVID-19: Impact of being unvaccinated with limited public health measures
This is a long thread which is aimed at providing facts and not focus on blame of individuals so please read all the way until the end to get the full details. 🧵1/
If a person has not received a COVID-19 vaccine for whatever reason (not eligible, barrier to access, personal choice, medical exemption) there are very real impacts to the community that can now easily be seen when few or no public health measures are in place. 2/
To save space I will refer to that person as unvaccinated, even though they may have been vaccinated for other viruses. 3/
This very interesting study shows COVID-19 virus along with other bacterial and fungal pathogens were removed from UK hospital wards by air filtration (… ). 🧵1/
Researchers measured pathogen levels for 5 days to set a baseline, then activated the filtration system for 5 days, and then took measurements for 5 days again after the filtration system was turned off in both a COVID-19 hospital ward and ICU. 2/
They detected airborne COVID-19 virus in the ward on all 5 days before filtration activation, but none of the 5 days when the filter was active, then they detected COVID-19 virus again for 4 of the 5 days when the system was turned off again. 3/
Ontario's vaccine passport is coming into effect in two days on September 22nd and more details have now emerged how this will be implemented (… ). 🧵1/
The proof does not apply to "Workers, contractors, repair workers, delivery workers, students, volunteers, inspectors or others who are entering the business or organization for work purposes and not as patrons." (… ). 2/
Unvaccinated workers are 6.7x more likely to become infected and can still spread the virus to others at these locations. Over the last week, vaccines are still 85.2% effective at reducing infections (… ). 3/
A Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) report shows that COVID-19 patients remain in hospital for about 15 days and the average cost per COVID-19 patient in the ICU is more than $50,000 (… ). 🧵1/
The average cost for treating a patient with COVID-19 is more than $23,000 which is 4x higher than a patient with influenza. For those that are still uncertain, even financial data can tell you and come to the conclusion that COVID-19 is significantly worse than the flu. 2/
Unfortunately 1 in 5 COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU dies there. CIHI estimated the hospitalization cost of COVID-19 in Canada (excluding Quebec) was nearly $1 billion from January 2020 to March 2021 and the cost tripled between November 2020 and March 2021. 3/
COVID-19: MMR and Tdap vaccines may reduce severity of COVID-19
For some time now scientists hypothesized that immune memory for other viruses could potentially reduce severity of COVID-19 as well. 🧵1/
Analysis of a large and well-characterized COVID-19 patient cohort revealed that prior MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) and Tdap (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis) vaccination associates with reduced disease severity and death (… ). 2/
How is that possible? A diverse immune T cell response controls viral infections and a major goal of vaccines is to induce a strong and durable T cell memory. Reactivation of memory T cells generated against a different pathogen could enhance immunity to novel pathogens. 3/
JCVI is now recommending booster shots (3rd dose) be offered to those more at risk of serious disease for the following groups no earlier than 6 months after getting the second dose (… ). 🧵1/
- those living in residential care homes for older adults
- all adults aged 50 years or over
- frontline health and social care workers
- all those aged 16 to 49 years with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe COVID-19, and adult carers
- adult household contacts of immunosuppressed individuals