alright, one more rep, one more 1,000 word essay, and then i'll let myself draw some solarpunk art
i promised myself i'd write for most of the afternoon/evening to prepare for my salon, and then i'd let myself draw, as a treat
i don't usually write to prepare for things that involve speaking. read a book by Dale Carnegie on public speaking a few years ago that emphasized preparing by speaking informally rather than writing (especially not writing your talk out word for word)
been talking about drawing with @QiaochuYuan who said this the other day: "drawing as a meditative method for concentrating attention on an object for multiple hours has a lot going for it" which i completely agree with
i've done many many hours of meditation and i can concentrate pretty decently but i am genuinely astonished at how easy it is to get into concentration states while drawing
I've gotten into more flow state type areas from drawing recently than meditation ever, along a certain axis anyway
i am understandably very intimidated by this upcoming solarpunk challenge i've signed myself up for, and have been procrastinating working on it, so i took a feasible step with this image
i didn't spend very long on it but i sorta proved to myself i could make a thing that was relevant
earlier this year, I went through a breakup. my first where a partner broke up with me. the heartbreak hurt so much, even though I had so many skills to work with it like metta and IFS and IPF and journaling and exercise and calling friends.
talking to friends helped the most, I think. one friend said something particularly helpful: in his experience, it takes about half the time you were in a relationship to heal from that relationship after a breakup.
his words gave me hope that the hurt would pass, and proved true in my experience
one unexpected benefit of having your own podcast is the ability to go back and listen to your own episodes
it's incredible: someone made a podcast featuring a guest i'm interested in, talking about topics i'm interested in, asking exactly the questions i'd ask
let me listen really carefully to what they said, remember what they said, consider how it relates to my life, and how I might apply what they're sharing to my current situation and problems and goals