- Somebody just needs to make a governance proposal. "Turn on IBC after the upgrade", and then if the proposal passes after two weeks. That's when it would go live.
- Traditional institutions are using some of their treasury into anchor first, and when they're able to build up some confidence around that, they would start to experiment with putting some of their customer funds in. It's a work in progress and it doesn't happen overnight.
- Terraform Capital isn't like an org that runs auditors. It's a capital arm. So if you wanted to get audited by different auditors, we would still pay for it. So it's really up to the project.
- @wormholecrypto bridge is coming
- ERC-20 is coming on top of Terra and then can be used as an index. Let's say a DeFi index, one sort of, you know, on top of Terra via @nebula_protocol
- These possibilities which allow us to capture value from other ecosystems
- A Terra conference - at some point - is sort of in the works, but right now it's kind of great to see all these community based events popping up and and everybody engaging so actively.
- We will have a 3 hour window, which is which is going to happen as soon as the upgrade is complete, where people can deposit more collateral.
- In case you of $LUNA price depreciation.
- Validators are monitored as they're being upgraded and are coming online.
- Col 5 is pretty close
- Constellation is in alpha testing (to be able to see validator rewards and stuff)
- Someone can build a utility contract, e.g. send your Luna, and then that contract sticks to some consortium or validators, and then it sort of swaps out all the different rewards into whatever currency of your choosing.