'The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station experienced the coldest average temperature for April to September in 2021 on record. This chart displays the average temperature since 1957 in degrees Celsius. (Richard Cullather/British Antarctic Survey)'
This is the annual temperature trend for Antarctica since 1956 using data from @BerkeleyEarth
Antarctica is still net warming. The cold cold season of 2021 is fascinating and impressive though.
I pulled a thread together way back in June earlier this year about the extreme cold in Antarctica.
Greenland Sea ice is at its lowest extent in recorded history right now.
The final frame in more detail next to the mapped ice extent and concentration via @NSIDC data.
Notice the median ice edge (1981-2010 average) for this time of year represented by the orange line.
Notice the high annual variability. I have plotted last year in yellow just to show how different extent can be year-on-year. Sea ice extent is driven by many factors.