THREAD: Just out! Part 3 of the official Afterword for Coddling of the American Mind (by me & @jonhaidt): Increased persecution on campus since 2018. 1/5
ZERO TWEET: Continue reading for more about what’s happened on campus since COTAM launched, or click the link below to check out pt 1 on the decline in mental health among gen Z. 0/5
A political monomania (unhealthy obsession with one thing) has taken hold on campus. Next week, we’ll be exploring a kind of political monomania that’s taken hold on the right. (Read @JonHaidt’s @JoinPersuasion piece for more.) 5/5
Wondering about the controversy surrounding "anti-CRT” bills popping up all over the country? You’re not alone. It’s taken me several weeks & 3 co-authors to write this 5000+ word piece (1/34)
.@AdGo@RynoWeiss & Bonnie Snyder have put together 13 points you should know about the “anti-CRT” law debate. (2/34)
(1) There are dozens of these bills, w/ hundreds of amendments. (This is also why it’s absurd when activists on either side accuse opponents of hypocrisy for not instantly condemning every new bill.) (3/34)
After tabulating the votes, the winner of my first EXCESSIVELY Prestigious Award for book of the year is @jon_rauch’s Kindly Inquisitors, what I've called the most important on #freespeech of the last 50 years! 1/6…
For the honor, I had @TheFIREorg’s @aaron_reese make this dope gif, explaining Rauch’s Commandments — two core tenets of liberal science! 2/6
With Rauch’s book The Constitution of Knowledge coming out in June, the timing might seem TOO convenient, but I swear on Spider-Man’s aunt May that’s just how the vote worked out! (BTW The Constitution of Knowledge is the most important book of 2021!) 2/6
THREAD: The great @IonaItalia asked me to participate in @AreoMagazine’s #FreeSpeechFortnite, so I wrote a listicle of 12 answers to common, bad arguments against #freespeech. Here’s the short attention span version! 1/14
First there’s that XKCD comic that people trot out to justify just about any censorship. It wrongly conflates the First Amendment, which is the legal framework for free speech in the US, & free speech generally. It also doesn’t even get the 1A right! 2/14
“Free speech was invented under the false notion that speech & violence are distinct. Now we know some speech is violence.” Speech = violence is one of the oldest ideas in the world. Free speech was invented so people could sort things out without resorting to violence. 3/14
NEW Prestigious Awards: My book of the month goes to @juliagalef’s The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Clearly & Others Don’t, a book with powerful tools for fighting self-deception! 1/9
The book helps rein in the toughest self-deception: motivated reasoning, i.e. realizing when we’re weighting evidence based on what we WANT to be true.
It’s also everything popular nonfiction should be: clear, well-written, thoughtful, funny, & full of stories. 2/9
The author dispels some common misconceptions, like the fact that Abraham Lincoln’s “Team of Rivals” was effective, & that one can effectively get out of their bubble just by turning on left-wing or right-wing radio. 3/9
NEW: Catching Up With Coddling Pt 17. Hearing disturbing reports of K-12 programming with no respect for the individuality of students or the diverse points of view of students, I created a beta version of 10 principles for a healthier K-12 system. 1/12
1. No compelled speech, thought, or belief. It is usually bad to tell someone what they cannot say. It is usually far worse to tell someone what they must say, & it is always wrong to tell people what they must think or believe. 2/12
2. Respect for individuality, dissent, and the sanctity of conscience. American First Amendment law is replete with powerful statements about individual uniqueness, and respect for such uniqueness. 3/12
NEW: “Catching Up With ‘Coddling’”! @AdGo & I theorize how ideological litmus tests in education schools may have contributed to the changing ideas about #socialjustice we saw arriving on campus around 2013. 1/10
This is the FOURTEENTH part in the series where we revisit the topics in @JonHaidt & my 2018 book, “The Coddling of the American Mind,” with new data, developments, & caveats. 2/10
By “changing ideas about social justice,” we mean things like definitions of “equity” that are focused on equality of outcomes, at the expense of things like procedural or substantive fairness. 3/10