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Mali Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga stated that his doors are open to countries that can ensure the territorial integrity of his country, "We need a friendly country like Turkey."
said. 1/9
2/9 He emphasized that the terrorists who were stuck in the north of his country 8 years ago, dominate two-thirds of the country today.
Maiga underlined that they need Turkey's help in the fight against terrorism and gave the message that they are ready to cooperate with Turkey in the field of defense industry.
3/9 Maiga reacted to France, where they experienced tension in recent weeks.
The elements that the international community provides to us in the fight against terrorism do not give the desired result, because every year terrorism gains ground.
4/9 After 8 years, we have determined that Mali's territorial integrity has not been ensured.
8 years later, we saw that the UN's decisions change every year.
The Mali government objected to the resolution proposed by France at the UN Security Council (UNSC) this year.
Because (France) did not consult us."
5/9 Turkey, with which Mali wants to cooperate, is one of the great countries that have chosen the path of Islam.
I said to the managers of Turkish companies: 'Finance is your home'. As long as it is profitable trade. Turkish officials also have the same intention.
Our country is open to mutual cooperation with Turkey.
6/9 For 18 years, we have been fighting for world trade to be fair, for the USA and EU to cut their aid to cotton producers. Those who say that everything should be liberalized reject fair trade.
They are helping their producers with $5 billion a year. This is shaking up world trade.
7/9 Expressing that the financial aid given to the producers by the Western countries corresponds to the price of the cotton sold in the international market in Africa, ++
Maiga noted that these producers sold the cotton for the price they wanted and as a result Africans suffered a loss of income.
8/9 Maiga noted that the international politicians' declarations of aid to Africa do not make any sense, and that they should be allowed to sell their products to Africans at their worth, instead of giving aid.
✍️ France is losing front after front in Africa.
9/9 ✍️ We were observing that the African people were in a great awakening, and they were extremely disturbed by the extensive rights of the imperial nations that they had obtained by cruelty in African countries.
But this interview shows that African leaders are also taking action to erode their power.
The Tehran Regime continues its pressure against Southern Azerbaijan.
During the liberation of Karabakh, Ardebil court issued 180 months imprisonment and 888 lashes for detainees in Ceral Park of Ardebil city of South Azerbaijan.
In the decision announced by the 102nd Branch of the 2nd Criminal Court of Ardabil, October 8, 1400, "Hossein Balahani","Asgar Ekberzade", "Mostafa Parvin", "Morteza Parvin", "Moctaba Parvin""Hamed Haydari",
"Mohammad Colani""Saccad Colani" Article 607 of the Islamic Penal Code+
Referring to ..., each Turkish activity was sentenced to 7 months and 16 days in prison and sentenced to 7 months and 16 days in prison and 74 lashes for disrupting public order by rioting pursuant to Article 618 of the same law.
Afganistan’da Taliban geçici hükümetinin “Dışişleri Bakan Vekili” Emirhan Muttaki, ABD ile yapılan görüşmelerde ikili ilişkilerde “yeni bir sayfa açma” konusunun ele alındığını belirtti.
Taliban yetkilisi Muttaki, Al Jazeera televizyonuna Katar’ın başkenti Doha’da ABD ve Taliban yetkilileri arasında yürütülen görüşmelere ilişkin açıklamalarda bulundu.
Muttaki ABD ile ilişkilerde “yeni bir sayfa açma” konusunu görüştüklerini ve insani yardım konusuna öncelik verdiklerini kaydetti.
İran'ın sınırı geçerek ve Karabağ'ın Cebrail ilçesindeki Hudafarin Barajı'nın yanına Ordu birliklerini konuşlandırarak Azerbaycan'ın egemen topraklarını ihlal ettiği ve Ekim 2020'de Azerbaycan Ordusunun Zengilan'a ilerlemesini engellediği ortaya çıkıyor.
17.10.2020 tarihinde Azerbaycan Silahlı Kuvvetleri Hudaferin köyünü özgürleştirdi ve Zengilan'a en kısa ve en güvenli yoldan ulaşmak için Araz Nehri boyunca Hudafarin barajına doğru ilerledi.
Yol kolay değildi, bunu göz önünde bulundurarak, 2/17
Ermeni işgalcilerin direniş cepleri hala vardı ve İran nehrin karşısındaydı.
Yine de Zengilan'a giden en kısa ve en az tehlikeli yoldu.
Ancak barajın çevresini dolaştıktan sonra Azerbaycan Silahlı Kuvvetleri İran ordusuna ait birlikler ile karşılaştı.