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9 Oct, 105 tweets, 23 min read
Overview of @WithoutTheRope weekly AMA in the $STRONG Telegram ⬇️⬇️⬇️
$STRONG @WithoutTheRope - Silver lottery. That will start next week. We’ll announce how you’ll be eligible and the cost.
$STRONG Q: Hey David, thanks for your time, i was doing some research and realized that polygon has never mentioned strongblocks in their blog nor articles, is there a reason for that?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope This was published by Polygon:… $MATIC
$STRONG Q: any Info of rewards on $ETH 2.0 stacking Strong
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Info coming soon. Preview: We’re taking a big chunk of NFT ETH and using it create $ETH 2.0 nodes. You stake STRONG, rewards are in ETH (when rewards become available).
$STRONG Q: Hey David next to the nft use case airdrops for nft holders are mentioned

I wonder what you envisioned there

And I notice that the mint contract of the nfts on opensea gets x ÷ on each trade, Where are those funds going ?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Airdrops may be in the future. When we wrote that, we looked at a lot of possibilities. The goal is to go beyond rewards - but NFT’s do provide significant rewards.
$STRONG Q: Regarding environmental aspects, what is Strongblock doing to reduce, minimize and mitigate its impact (mostly due to the energy consumption of the data centers I suppose)? Thanks!
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Well, we’re on the $ETH chain, which has less environmental impact than the Bitcoin chain. We seek out data centers that have low carbon footprints. We’re considering a carbon offset.
$STRONG Q: David, id love to know which cloud provider is being used behind the scenes to power all of the requires VMs to host the node, could any light be shed on this?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope I’ve mentioned this many times before: we use a combination of cloud, metal and hybrid, in many locations.
$STRONG Q: Have you decided if the discounted price will involve ETH, Strong or a combination of the two? (NFT Lottery)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Still deciding. FYI, was looking at the numbers today. Every STRONG contributed to create an NFT has gone back to the community. So far, 25,020 STRONG have been given to the SB-Community wallet from NFT sales, with a value of $16,995,595.
$STRONG Q: I wonder is STRONG will ever work with ALGORAND?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Possibly
$STRONG Q: any Info of rewards on ETH 2.0 stacking Strong
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Mentioned above. We’ll be running many ETH 2.0 nodes, with the majority of the rewards going to STRONG stackers.
$STRONG Q: Not an official MATIC twitter account (in regards to our partnership)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Really? Why is this a discussion point? We DO NOT ANNOUNCE node partnerships unless we have an agreement with the company. The announcement was vetted by Polygon and StrongBlock.
$STRONG Q: Any chance $AVAX is on the shortlist?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Yes
$STRONG Q: Hello Mr. David Moss. Do you know about Bond-as-a-service from Olympus DAO? I saw some OG node operators mentioned about a possibility for STRONG to use the service to optimize reward pool. You may wanna check it out. Thanks! $ohm
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Haven’t heard that discussion. I’m making a note and will research.
$STRONG Q: Will our existing Eth nodes work when Eth 2.0 comes out? Or will we need to purchase new nodes once this update happens? Appreciate its prob a few years off
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We do not know exactly what will happen with the current Eth 1.0 nodes, but even Eth 2.0 nodes have geth under the hood. And full nodes will still be needed for access. As we get closer to ETH 2.0 going live, we’ll figure out the best path
$STRONG Q: Good morning David how’s the new model for rewards looking ?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We’re working on a new “service” contract. We’re considering testing it out with the creation of Polygon nodes. We have a potential rewards model that may work overall. We’ll have more details as we get closer $MATIC (1/2)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope to launching Polygon nodes. Right now we’re about 2 weeks out from being synced with the Polygon blockchain. $MATIC (2/2)
$STRONG Q: any news regarding charity?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We have a proposal. We’ll be adding a merch store soon, as well as offering Milestone Announcements as NFT’s for charity (like the 100k announcement; that was killer), as well as giving you a choice when you’re claiming to send some to the charity pool.
$STRONG Q: do you have any timescales for when further NFT's will be released for sale? Will they produce the same or different rewards and how will they be priced?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We have a new system that should be going out Q1 2022. First, we want to get all of the Metal NFT’s staked in the system.
$STRONG Q: Is @rogerkver involved or invested in STRONGBLOCK?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Yes
$STRONG Q: can you elaborate a bit more about the NFT lottery please?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Will announce details next week.
$STRONG Q: I bet he gets tired of the same question
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope I see it as a service I provide for new people. The answers are usually out there, but in an AMA, I want the new community members to be able to participate and interact as well.
$STRONG Q: how are you feeling about the eth2.0 migration? How do you feel the move to point of stake might change the dynamic of strong block?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope StrongBlock will be directly involved in ETH 2.0 migration with the ETH 2.0 pool. If you haven’t seen it yet, we’ve put a “coming soon” in the mining pool tab. Stake STRONG, get ETH 2.0 rewards (when they start rewarding). We are bullish on $ETH 2.0.
$STRONG Q: Well, I just think some people get confused, and new people coming in can get scared off by them. We tell them not to be, I was just wondering if there was any news. (talking about @strongnodeedge)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope They have no nodes. They took part of our name.
$STRONG Q: Hi David. For those of us earning a more than comfortable income from a decent node holding already, do you think our support for the coming pools would strengthen the protocol overall, as opposed to just constantly compounding? Does the question make sense?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Our goal is to provide short, medium and long term ways to participate in strengthening blockchains. That is also a good strategy for anyone wanting to participate - to not just think short term.
$STRONG Q: Hi David, if polygon might go live in 2 weeks or so when can you give us a hint on the next protocol announcement? $matic
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Hopefully in the next two weeks. Some discussions take longer than others, especially when a protocol also wants us to be involved with Validators as well as nodes.
$STRONG Q: once polygon nodes go live, does that mean we can migrate our eth strong nodes to polygon, to create nodes for lower fees? $matic
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope That’s a much more complicated process. While there may be lower fees on a different chain, it is also not ERC-20, so it’s harder to work with your rewards. So, we’re keeping all of that in mind. We believe we have a solution.
$STRONG Q: is there a possibility that nodes could be built by contributing strong tokens sitting in mm to existing rewards in order to create a node, to help with paying single gas fees, instead, which is withdraw rewards =gas, create node = fees again, pay fees = gas again.
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Yes. That’s under development right now.
$STRONG Q: I hope you get that into a blog article so we can understand it and how to do it when the time comes. And why it’s necessary or helpful for OG’s to participate possibly.

I would like to know more myself.
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope It’s being drafted now.
$STRONG Q: good morning, any new interviews coming up that you have scheduled. Really enjoyed your last one and felt it gave the strong community even more exposure
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope My interview with will be published next week.
$STRONG Q: any update regarding fractional node ownership?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope No update. We’re looking at the best way to do that. What we’ll be doing is trying different approaches with new node introductions. We’d like to provide the ability to contribute and reward proportionally, without you having to take on (1/2)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope the cost of creating a full node or validator node yourself. That’s a big change in the smart contract; actually, it requires a new one. But we have that under development as well. Lots of stuff under development! (2/2)
$STRONG Q: any updates on nodes migration please I am afraid my first wallet could’ve been compromised thank you
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope If your wallet has actually been compromised - and you have proof - please contact Support via the Support button in the app.
$STRONG A reminder about Support We DONOT OFFER Telegram or Twitter Support. Of any kind. The only official StrongBlock support is through the Support button in the App. Please DONOT ever respond to anyone in Telegram saying that they are StrongBlock Support We will NEVER do that
$STRONG Q: Hi David, how are the talks going with the new exchanges you mentioned in a previous AMA.
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Very well. We’re hoping to have at least one new Tier 1 (exchange) by the end of the year.
$STRONG Q: Not my eth like in @LidoFinance And liquid staking with defi opportunity?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We are fans of Lido. Looking into how to use that model or work with them. @LidoFinance
$STRONG @WithoutTheRope Something else that got announced this week (and is highlighted in the pinned post): We have limited the number of nodes to 100 per wallet. This is for technical reasons. Some thought it has something to do with rewards. There is a longer explanation (1/2)
$STRONG @WithoutTheRope in the pinned post. If you already have more than 100 nodes in a wallet (fewer than 100 wallets do), your “my nodes” section will say “125 of 100”. And if you do have more than 100 already, you’re fine. You still have those nodes to claim. (2/2)
$STRONG Q: Hello, is there any way we can get some kind of notification on the homepage whenever the site is under maintenance?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We never put the site into maintenance model We do CI - Continuous Integration. If there is a site issue (which has happened several times, usually during a CI update), we’ll put up a notice.
$STRONG Q: any new alpha you can drop on us today to get us speculating? you know the strong community loves that!
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Coming attractions: The big one is ETH 2.0. Another is “claim routing” - sending claimed STRONG to another pool or for creating a node, without the STRONG going into your wallet. That’s been a big ask of mine from the Product team.
$STRONG Q: The DVPN nodes have finished. We only made 1000. Having your own DVPN coin does not have to do with this particular protocol. I think he said in the future nodes for other protocols might be makeable with coins from those protocols. But not $DVPN. And it’s over anyway.
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We may expand $DVPN when they have a rewards system in place. For now, we’ve limited it to 1000 nodes. And we are a Sentinel Validator as well.
$STRONG Q: Shen you try to claim or pay nodes, a red error message pops up (when you don’t have enough for fees). can this be fixed so we can at least know how much we need to have in our wallet?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Eth gas is variable. To do what you ask, we’d somehow have to do an ETH gas calculation for you. That’s more complex than you might think, since $ETH already does it for you.
$STRONG Q: Hey David I know you’ve answered the questions on rewards sustainability a few times

But my question is are you optimistic that rewards will stay like this for a good amount of time moving forward thanks again
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We’re looking at trying out new models when we do pilots with new protocols. For example, we have a possible new model - that looks very similar to the current model, but has some variables - to try out with the Polygon pilot $MATIC (1/2)
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We’ll of course give you a heads up before we introduce it. (2/2)
$STRONG Q: at roughly how many nodes up and running will rewards need to start being reduced?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope The number of nodes is not a factor in any reward model changes.
$STRONG Q: Can I suggest we have a way to autopay the maintenance fees (at the gas of our choosing) when your nodes hit a certain amount of days. Or maybe have an alert when a node is about to expire after "X" amount of days?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope That would require emails. The app already shows you how many days you have left until you need to pay again.
$STRONG Q: Hi David, thanks for the updates on timeline with Polygon! $MATIC
How is the development of $FTM nodes coming along? Any timeline for implementation that you can share?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Fantom node creation running parallel to Polygon, but will likely go live after.
$STRONG Q: So you can confirm that next 115 days will be no changes in Nubi reward system and everyone who builds today can be relaxed?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We have said - ad nauseum - that any changes to the rewards model will come with advance notice.
$STRONG Q: will we be able to also pay our monthly fees from the rewards or we will still need to claim some Strong to our wallets to pay the maintenance fees?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Monthly fees are paid in ETH. Rewards are in STRONG. No plans to change that.
$STRONG Q: Love the idea of sustainability updates being rolled out as pilots — does this mean there will be some form of community vote on the solution(s)?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope The community will be able to let us know how they would like us to proceed, based on the pilot results. We already did that with $DVPN.
$STRONG Q: can you explain why it costs a lot more to claim compared to paying monthly fees for those who are new?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Everything in Ethereum gas calculations is about math, time and demand. The maintenance fee smart contract is much smaller than the claiming service smart contract. More math and time are needed for claims, so they cost more.
$STRONG Q: are NFTs mandatory to run a $FTM or polygon node? $MATIC
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope For the pilot, yes.
$STRONG Q: but after the pilot, NFTs are no longer needed ?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope That will depend on whether the pilot goes into full production.
$STRONG Q: Hi David am I right in saying that if rewards change , we will have be rewarded from a basket of rewards of the same value to what we get now ?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope It’s more complicated than that. Hard to answer in an AMA, but I’ve talked about it before. We will provide more details if there is a proposed change.
$STRONG Q: hmm, more ambiguity?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope If there are only 1000 nodes of a particular protocol, and those were in the pilot, and the pilot required an NFT, then you would need an NFT for that particular protocol. If the community decides it should expand, (1/2)
$STRONG A; @WithoutTheRope then it will become more widely available, so that at some point you would not need an NFT to create a node. (2/2)
$STRONG Q: There is sooo many of us in ohm. He’s already addressed the Olympus questions $OHM
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope Looking at $ohm next week.
That's it from this weeks AMA @WithoutTheRope, Thank you!

• • •

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2 Oct
Overview of @WithoutTheRope weekly AMA in the $STRONG Telegram ⬇️⬇️⬇️
$STRONG Q: what will the rewards for fantom and matic be ? What will they cost us ? $FTM $MATIC
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope That will be announced when we roll them out. It will likely look very much like Ethereum 1.0.
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Overview of @WithoutTheRope weekly AMA in the $STRONG Telegram ⬇️⬇️⬇️
$STRONG Q: i would like to know if we will need nft to create new nodes in the future or only for boosting rewards and early access?
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope You will need NFT’s for early access to new protocols
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18 Sep
Overview of @WithoutTheRope weekly AMA in the $STRONG Telegram ⬇️⬇️⬇️
$STRONG Q: What feedback have you gotten from Sentinel? Would they like to have more nodes from the Strong community? Do you see a benefit to Strong as a community or company to deploying more sentinel nodes beyond the rewards that they’re not yet prepared to offer? $DVPN
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope We’ll be talking with Sentinel again next week. We’re waiting to find out when they will provide node-based protocol rewards. However, we are working on a new overall approach for ALL protocols that may alleviate some of the rewards issues.
Read 69 tweets
11 Sep
Overview of @WithoutTheRope weekly AMA in the $STRONG Telegram ⬇️⬇️⬇️
$STRONG Q: Do you have any news about the new models and the start date for the new protocols? Were excited to hear it from you!
$STRONG A: @WithoutTheRope As I mentioned last week, the new models are now evolving with different kinds of pools and income.
Read 90 tweets

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