gonna attempt an open-source type of investigation here today. I've been talking with some people about the likelihood of gore videos/sites and their fans being cultivated and groomed by certain groups for certain purposes.
to that end, we found a few examples
probably the most obvious one being Luka Magnotta, who was an enthusiast of deranged videos; he later went on to murder and cannibalize Jun Lin in Montreal (which, Montreal)
"After a video allegedly depicting the murder was posted online, Magnotta fled the country"
"He was previously sought by animal rights groups for allegedly uploading videos of himself killing kittens."
so, I've got JD Salinger content in the pipeline, but this was given to me by a listener who's also an Antiques Roadshow superfan - a letter between JD Salinger and a woman he met on a cruise to Cuba in 1948
here's the bit: it's from Salinger pretending to be his dog writing to her dog, you know, to flirt
as the story goes, this was 1948, so Salinger was on the rebound, and I guess this was 1940s culture or something