But 99.9% of these applications suck - they are undifferentiated, boring, and irrelevant.
Follow these 7 steps for a guaranteed interview call 👇
1/ Quality over quantity
Biggest mistake I see: Mass applying to jobs with 0 research. This is the fastest way to get blocked.
Spend a minimum 30 minutes per app researching the company.
Learn the problem they are solving.
Learn how they are solving.
2/ Write a 2 sentence elevator pitch
Why do you want to work here? What excites you? - write a 2 sentence elevator pitch
What should excite them about you? - Write another 2 sentence elevator pitch
Example below 👇
3/ Stalk the company/employees on social media
What is the company publishing on LinkedIn/Twitter?
What is top of mind for them?
Did they just launch a new product?
Find something that you can lead with.
Example below 👇
4/ Write a killer cover letter
Start with the elevator pitch you already wrote.
Reference a recent company activity on LinkedIn/Twitter.
5/ Apply to the job on the site, but don't stop there.
Find relevant employees on LI/Twitter. Share your 2 sentence elevator pitch.
Let them know you applied.👇
6/ Show your expertise by creating a S.T.A.R moment
S.T.A.R - Something They'll Always Remember
Showcase uniqueness by already doing the work.
Applying for a sales job? Call a prospect
Engineering/product job? Sign up for a trial and use the product
7/ Follow-up and show the work you did.
Message again on LinkedIn/Twitter and show them you took this extra step.
Almost no one does this, so it will create a S.T.A.R moment.
Example below 👇
1. Go for quality over quantity 2. Write a killer elevator pitch 3. Check social media and find a relevant activity 4. Use the elevator pitch to write a killer cover letter 5. Apply but follow-up with individual employees 6. Create a S.T.A.R moment 7. Follow-up again
If you liked this post, follow me @siddharthm83 to read my next one - how to kill it when you get the interview
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