In 1961 as part of the "White Paper" documentary series, NBC aired "Angola: Journey to a War." Its crew were heralded for their bravery, trekking 300 miles through war-torn Angola after illicitly slipping in from the Congo. It was also almost certainly cover for CIA operations.
The film featured the head of UPA, Holden Roberto, by then already a prized CIA asset, who arranged the crew's infiltration into Angola. The director, Robert Young, says they crossed the border with "7 Angolan rebels" and were embedded in UPA units for the entire journey.
An annual report from the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) indicates that ACOA made the "initial arrangements" for the NBC crew to enter Angola. George Houser, ACOA's director, was a major Roberto benefactor and later also toured Angola with Roberto and CIA agent John Marcum
According to Soviet analyst Oleg Ignatyev, Roberto held meetings with his CIA recruiters and handlers in the offices of ACOA
As for NBC's director/cameraman crew, Robert Young and Charles Dorkins: Young, while he denies (wittingly) working for the CIA during the filming in Angola, makes some extraordinary admissions about debriefing the CIA and other intel agencies upon return.
Dorkins, Young's camerman, soon returned to Angola. Soviet authors would later identify Dorkins by name as an American intelligence agent assisting Roberto.
At least some of Dorkins' subsequent CIA work in Angola seems to have also been coordinated through ACOA.
Zooming out for a second, it's no accident that the network that was the "undisputed leader in foreign markets" with RCA's "unparalleled" interests abroad, would also emerge as the leader of the documentary and news programming boom of the 60s
Recall that Walter Sheridan's infamous CIA hatchet job on Jim Garrison was also a part of the NBC "White Paper" documentary series.
Bet going through the White Paper documentaries one by one would dredge up all kinds of intelligence operations near and far
The US embassy in Lisbon reports to Dean Rusk the Portuguese prime minister's anger over Houser and Marcum's activities as "state department consultants", supporting Holden Roberto in Angola
I'm gonna do a longish thread on Chappelle's mother, Yvonne Seon (formerly Yvonne Reed/Yvonne Reed Chappelle), laying out some interesting things I found while trying to clear up my own confusion about her connection to Lumumba. 1/x
You'll see repeated across various articles and blurbs about Seon that she worked for the Lumumba government, but this isn't true. Her work in the Congo began *after* Lumumba's assassination. 2/
By her own admission, she arrived in the Congo in March of 1961. Lumumba was assassinated in January.
*The History Makers link is gated but see her interview here, which I'll also be transcribing from:… 3/
Paul Klein spread the vile ideology on display in these celebrations in a 1992 special he made for CBS that claimed the Ark of Covenant was "discovered" under al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Klein's experts? al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock annihilationists, Shlomo Goren and Chuck Missler
Shlomo Goren has said things like: "Certainly we should have blown [the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque] up. It is a tragedy that we did not do so"; while Missler describes al-Aqsa Mosque compound as pagan holy sites that profane where the sacred temple once stood.
In the book spin-off they write: "The Arab Muslims in Jerusalem and throughout the Middle East fear that finding the lost art would dramatically reduce their claim on Temple Mount [sic]"
note "chief researcher", fascist spook Balsiger rears his head again
Paul Klein & Molly Klein's PKO collaborated on multiple projects with the Christian fascist spook, David Balsiger.
A major anti-communist operative, Balsiger was linked to some of the CIA's most notorious gladio/contra groups like Alpha 66 and the World Anti-Communist League.
Balsiger was a propagandist for apartheid South Africa, producing & distributing a racist magazine that stressed: "the ANC is Moscow-inspired; most of the violence is 'black on black'..."
He also promoted "pro-government Christian groups in South Africa"
For Paul Klein's production, "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark", David Balsiger corresponded with the Dept. of Defense, requesting cooperation "of any and all government intelligence gathering agencies" & promising to portray them in a "positive light"
To be fair, Paul Klein's post-WW2 draft registration card lists his place of residence as the Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake and his place of employment as Inyokern Explosives. So its conceivable he toiled away in a naval weapons factory!
While Klein was at the Naval Ordnance Test Station, the navy was testing missiles like "Tiny Tim" and "Big Dick". I do wonder if that was an inspiration at all for the title of his porno, "Tiny Tina"
Porn inspired by or on behalf of the US military also wouldn't be unusual for Klein, so maybe it's not that much a stretch
Paul Klein's "good friend" Henry Jaffe was a rabid anti-communist snitch who wrote the constitution and by-laws for AWARE, Inc. a Hollywood blacklist group devoted to rooting alleged communists out of broadcasting.
Why were so many of Klein's friends spooks and anti-communists??
What could be the reason for Red Kahina's shameless lies about Paul Klein?
Accounts with a lot to say about communist integrity and honesty suddenly incurious?
Interesting how the "Research" Departments at NBC, CBS, ABC doubled as gov psych. warfare research divisions (commercial counterparts to academic "mass communications" depts).
Of course, Paul Klein got his start in NBC's research dept, rising to research VP in a few years.
Probably why the network research departments gave their collaborative research projects acronyms like ARMS and RADAR (which Klein was a lead developer of)
Hugh Malcolm Beville, Jr., Klein's predecessor and head of research at NBC when Klein joined and rose up the ranks. Likelihood that Beville was in one of the 6 psywar centers during WW2 was high, the question is which?